
来自:知识屋    更新日期:早些时候

Sanlu milk powder incident from the previous years to the present waste oil incidents, consumers right to know the face of a second infringement case, I know just rely on some of today's laws and regulations is not enough, there are many one-sidedness of existing laws and regulations, consumer access to consumer information channels and the existing legal provisions to be improved, types of consumer rights to be extended and deepened, and so issues need our attention. This paper describes the consumer's right to know through meaning, content and the historical background, in-depth analysis of consumers' right to know have been violated in our common situation, exposing the existing Chinese laws protect the consumer's right to know the inadequacies, stressed China's domestic emphasis on the legal protection of consumers right to know the urgency. Second, the Japanese consumer's right to know through the analysis of the system of legal protection and domestic consumers right to know the status of comparative research, the questions we should base our basic national conditions, and to learn from foreign advanced and successful experience, the consumer's right to know law protection of in-depth reform and improve. Through these areas of study and research, with a view to our right to know laws and regulations to protect consumers, the improvement contribute their efforts to promote consumer protection is improving.

Along with the development and popularization of the intelligent property, and fleetly promotion of network technology, the computer technology and network technology have been widely and deeply used in property management industry, as well as linked to the intelligent system of the community , which is completely controlled intensification. This would be the foundation of developing the information-management system for residential property . This property management software is based on property management standards and requirements, gathered management information system, and is developed according to the actual needs of community management.We use Visual Basic 6. 0 as our development tool,and Access 2000 for database. Finally it realize the function that unified manage and quickly searching for all information of the resident, maintenance, charging of the residential property management and other data.


Follow the national increasing capital investment and the developing of the high levels buildings.
Basis is widely used in high levels buildings now , roads and bridges and other projects of basic project.
Support and bear the hard or harder bearing layer
Have high vertical pile capacity or group of pile
Enough to carry all the vertical high levels building
Pile bridge project is a sub-bottom structure project
The quality of pile foundation and progress of the direct impact on the quality of the bridge
The life of use and the whole progress
To ensure safety, save investment and reduce costs play a decisive role
This article to describe the pile foundation construction, and introduces the characteristics of pile foundation construction and attention problems
Learn about the pile quality control the main parameters of attention, so as to come pile foundation how to make the quality of the construction schedule can be improved.

Details are as follows: With the increased capital investment and the development of high-rise buildings, pile foundation is now widely used in high-rise buildings, highways, bridges and other projects in the basic project. Pile bearing in hard or harder bearing layer, a high or a group of vertical bearing capacity of pile bearing capacity, enough to carry all the vertical load high-rise building, bridge pile foundation construction in the lower part is the structure of a sub. The quality of pile foundation and progress of the bridge directly affect the quality of life and overall project progress in ensuring safe and economical investment and reduce costs play a decisive role. Piles of paper on the construction process description, introduced the characteristics of bored piles Shigong 以及 precautions and to learn as Pile Quality Control in attention to the main parameters to arrive at how to make pile foundation to improve the quality and Shigongjindu Deyi .

Along with the increased capital investment and the development of high-rise buildings, pile foundation is now widely used in high-rise buildings, highways, bridges and other projects the foundation works. Pile bearing in hard or harder bearing layer, a high vertical bearing capacity or pile group capacity, enough to carry all the vertical load high-rise building, bridge pile foundation construction in the lower part is the structure of a sub. The quality of pile foundation and progress of the bridge directly affect the quality of life and overall progress, for ensuring safe and economical investment and reduce costs play a decisive role. Based on the pile construction process description,
Describes the characteristics of bored pile construction and attention to matters, the understanding of pile quality control the main parameters of attention, so as to come pile foundation of how to make quality and construction schedule be increased 翻译的意思90%是相同的.. 翻译的不好 希望采纳!!

Along with the increasing capital investment and the development of high-rise buildings, pile foundation is now widely used in high-rise buildings, highways, bridges and other projects in the basic project. Pile bearing on hard or harder bearing layer, a high vertical pile bearing capacity, or capacity, enough to carry all the vertical load high-rise building, bridge pile foundation construction in the lower part is the structure of a sub. The quality of pile foundation and progress of the bridge directly affect the quality of life and overall progress, for ensuring safe and economical investment and reduce costs play a decisive role. Based on the pile construction process description, describes the characteristics of bored piles and pay attention to matters, the understanding into a pile of attention to quality control the main parameters, so as to come pile foundation of how to make progress to improve the quality and construction .


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