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The cheetah's chest is deep and its waist is narrow. The coarse, short fur of the cheetah is tan with round black spots measuring from 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.2 in) across, affording it some camouflage while hunting. There are no spots on its white underside, but the tail has spots, which merge to form four to six dark rings at the end. The tail usually ends in a bushy white tuft. The cheetah has a small head with high-set eyes. Black "tear marks" run from the corner of its eyes down the sides of the nose to its mouth to keep sunlight out of its eyes and to aid in hunting and seeing long distances.

The adult cheetah weighs from 40 to 65 kg (88 to 140 lb). Its total body length is from 115 to 135 cm (45 to 53 in), while the tail can measure up to 84 cm (33 in) in length. Males tend to be slightly larger than females and have slightly bigger heads, but there is not a great variation in cheetah sizes and it is difficult to tell males and females apart by appearance alone. Compared to a similarly-sized leopard, the cheetah is generally shorter-bodied, but is longer tailed and taller (it averages about 90 cm (35 in) tall) and so it appears more streamlined.

Some cheetahs also have a rare fur pattern mutation: cheetahs with larger, blotchy, merged spots are known as 'king cheetahs'. It was once thought to be a separate subspecies, but it is merely a mutation of the African cheetah. The 'king cheetah' has only been seen in the wild a handful of times, but it has been bred in captivity.

The cheetah's paws have semi-retractable claws[6] (known only in three other cat species - the Fishing Cat, the Flat-headed Cat and the Iriomote Cat) offering the cat extra grip in its high-speed pursuits. The ligament structure of the cheetah's claws is the same as those of other cats; it simply lacks the sheath of skin and fur present in other varieties, and therefore the claws are always visible, with the exception of the dewclaw. The dewclaw itself is much shorter and straighter than other cats.

Adaptations that enable the cheetah to run as fast as it does include large nostrils that allow for increased oxygen intake, and an enlarged heart and lungs that work together to circulate oxygen efficiently. During a typical chase its respiratory rate increases from 60 to 150 breaths per minute.[6] While running, in addition to having good traction due to its semi-retractable claws, the cheetah uses its tail as a rudder-like means of steering to allow it to make sharp turns, necessary to outflank prey who often make such turns to escape.

Unlike "true" big cats, the cheetah can purr as it inhales, but cannot roar. By contrast, the big cats can roar but cannot purr, except while exhaling. However, the cheetah is still considered by some to be the smallest of the big cats. While it is often mistaken for the leopard, the cheetah does have distinguishing features, such as the aforementioned long "tear-streak" lines that run from the corners of its eyes to its mouth. The body frame of the cheetah is also very different from that of the leopard, most notably so in its thinner and longer tail, and unlike the leopard, its spots are not arranged into rosettes.

The cheetah is a vulnerable species. Out of all the big cats, it is the least able to adapt to new environments. It has always proved difficult to breed in captivity, although recently a few zoos have managed to succeed at this. Once widely hunted for its fur, the cheetah now suffers more from the loss of both habitat and prey.

The cheetah was formerly considered to be particularly primitive among the cats and to have evolved approximately 18 million years ago. New research, however, suggests that the last common ancestor of all 40 existing species of felines lived more recently than that - about 11 million years ago. The same research indicates that the cheetah, while highly derived morphologically, is not of particularly ancient lineage, having separated from its closest living relatives (Puma concolor, the cougar, and Puma yaguarondi, the jaguarundi) around five million years ago.[7][8] These felids haven't changed much since they first appeared in the fossil record.

猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种。猎豹是陆地上跑的最快的动物,奔跑时速可达120公里。猎豹全身都有黑色的斑点。从嘴角到眼角有一道黑色的条纹,尾巴末端的三分之一部位有黑色的环纹;后颈部的毛比较长,好像很短的鬃毛一样,体型纤细,腿长、头小。
Cheetah (scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus), also known as the cheetahs, is one of the cats, is the only species to cheetah's. The cheetah is the fastest land animal, running up to 120 kilometers per hour. The cheetah has black spots all over his body. From her lips to the corner with a black stripes, tail at the end of the third part have black ring; Hair is longer, the back of his neck like a short mane, slender body, long legs, small head.

猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种,现在主要分布在非洲与西亚。同其它猫科动物不同,猎豹依靠速度来捕猎,而非偷袭或群体攻击。猎豹是陆上奔跑最快的动物,全速奔驰的猎豹,时速可以超过110公里,相当于百米世界冠军的三倍快。猎豹不仅是陆地上速度最快的动物,也是猫科动物成员中历史最久,最独特和特异化的品种。
猎豹扑食猎豹的外形和它们其他多数的猫科动物远亲不怎么相象。它们的头比较小,鼻子两边各有一条明显的黑色条纹从眼角处一直延伸到嘴边,如同两条泪痕),这两条黑纹有利于吸收阳光,从而使视野更加开阔。它们的身材修长,体形精瘦,身长约140-220cm,高度约75-85cm。它们的四肢也很长,还有一条长尾巴。猎豹的毛发呈浅金色,上面点缀着黑色的实心圆形斑点,背上还长有一条像鬃毛一样的毛发(有些种类的猎豹背上的深色“鬃毛”相当明显,而身上的斑点比较大,像一条条短的条纹,这种猎豹被称之为“王猎豹”。王猎豹曾被认为是一个独立亚种,但后来经研究发现,它们独特而美丽的花纹只是基因突变的产物)。猎豹的爪子有些类似狗爪,因为它们不能像其他猫科动物一样把爪子完全收回肉垫里,而是只能收回一半。 猎豹的躯干长是1米到1.5米、尾长是0.6米到0.8米、肩高是0.7到0.9米、体重一般是50公斤。雄猎豹的体型略微大于雌猎豹,猎豹背部的颜色是淡黄色。它腹部的颜色比较浅,通常是白色的。它全身都有黑色的斑点,从嘴角到眼角有一道黑色的条纹,这个条纹就是我们用来区别猎豹与豹的一个特征。

Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus) : (name, say again cheetahs, is a kind of cats, is the only species under the cheetah, now is mainly distributed in the Africa and Asia. With the other cats, cheetahs rely on speed to hunt, rather than sneak attack or groups. The cheetah is the fastest land animal, rolling speed can exceed the cheetah, 110 kilometers, equivalent to 100 metres world champion three times faster. The cheetah is not only the fastest land animal in cats, and the oldest members, the most unique and special varieties of alienation.
The cheetah is mainly YouTiLei small prey animals, including Thomson gazelle, GeShi gazelle, impalas and small wildebeest, etc. In order to speed, cheetahs, gradually evolved slender waist fine claws can like other cats, in force at that also telescopic than other large hunting animals, so cannot and other large hunting animals such as lions and hyenas, although such success against hunting can reach more than 50%, but hard to catch prey is often stronger predators, therefore the cheetah can accelerate the speed, or eating food into a tree.
Cheetah appearance
Cheetah predatory cheetah appearance and their other most distant don't like cats. Their relatively small head, a nose on each side of the black stripes significantly extends from the corner in mouth, as two traces of these two black lines), to absorb sunlight, thereby more open vision. Their slender figure lean, height, about 140-220cm, height about 75-85cm. Their legs were very long, and a long tail. The cheetah is shallow golden hair, dotted with black spots on the solid round, there also like a mane of hair (some species like the cheetah back brunet mane is quite obvious, and the spots is larger, like a short stripe, this is called "the king cheetah cheetahs." the king cheetah was considered a separate subspecies, but later studies found that their unique and beautiful decorative pattern is product of genetic mutations. The cheetah is somewhat similar to the paw paw dog, because they didn't like other cats like to withdraw the pads claws completely, but can only take half. The cheetah is 1 meter long trunk to 1.5 meters, long tail was 0.6 meters to 0.8 meters high, shoulder is 0.7 to 0.9 meters, the weight is generally 50 kg. Males than females size slightly the cheetah cheetahs, cheetahs back color is yellow. It is the abdomen, usually lighter color is white. It is a black spots, from the mouth to the eye has a black stripes, the stripe is we used to distinguish the cheetah and a leopard.
Cheetah life
The cheetah is the predator cheetahs live there, and is usually the sunrise, whether. Before five o 'clock in the morning is usually go foraging, it began to walk, when compared to alert and see if it can look on its prey. Additionally, it also prevents other beast of prey. It is commonly at lunch, afternoon nap time, it every six minutes to check it up, what is dangerous, look around. Generally speaking, the cheetah every game, only kill a walk every day is about five kilometers from more than 10 kilometers, go up. Although it ShanPao walking distance, but it's not far. The cheetah is currently running on land in the world's fastest animal, it can achieve 115 kilometers per hour. If the human world champion and cheetahs dash to 100 meters race, cheetahs can let the world champion ran 60 meters, the final destination is not the cheetahs, dash champion of the world. Why does it run so fast? With its physical structure, it is one of the long legs, the body is very thin. Then a cheetah is very soft, the spine to bend, like a big spring. It is, everyone can see, it all in hard fore and hind legs, but also in the middle YiQiYiFu run, so it can run very fast. Cheetah, because in the running of the antelope, chasing a sharp turn, it is the large tail plays a role, not the balance.

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