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关于动物的英语小短文 不要太长 100词左右~

I like small animals, squirrels, cats, dogs, frogs, birds, goldfish etc.
I have been to the zoo many times, but I still want to go there to see those small animals.
Last time when we were travelling by car in the wild reservation park, I even saw a small fox with its mother running away from the road to the bush. I was so excited that I asked my parents to take me back the park again and again.

A zoological garden or zoo is a place where animals are restricted within artificial environments and A zoological garden or zoo is a place where animals are restricted within artificial environments and exhibited to the public.

The first zoos were private menageries, usually belonging to monarchs. King Charles I of England established a zoo with a large python as the main attraction. The first public zoo was established in Vienna in 1752, when the Habsburg emperors decided to grant public access to the former privately-owned Schönbrunn Palace menagerie, now called Tiergarten Schönbrunn. After the French Revolution, the Paris Zoo was opened to the public.

Over time, the mission of zoos has shifted from simply displaying animals for the wonderment of the public, to scientific study, and, later, to breeding them, and in particular maintaining populations of animals that are endangered or even extinct in the wild. The first scientific zoological garden in the modern world was founded in London in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London. It was opened to the public in 1847, as a way of funding its scientific work. Londoners soon shortened "zoological gardens" to "zoo." It was the Zoological Society of London, too, which was to be the first to create an open wild animal park, with the establishment of the Whipsnade Wild Animal Park on the Chiltern Hills in 1926. The famous naturalist Charles Darwin enjoyed visiting the London Zoo in order to observe the behaviour of its animals. The first live gorilla to be exhibited there created quite a sensation and reportedly influenced some of Darwin's thinking on evolution and on emotions and intelligence in non-human primates.

最初的动物园是私人的,通常所属于君主,查尔斯国王一世建立了动物园其中的大蟒蛇是重要的吸引点,第一个公共动物园建立在1752年的维也纳,当哈普斯堡帝国决定同意大众进入以前萨尔斯堡宫殿的个人拥有的动物园,现在叫Tiergarten Schönbrunn,法国大革命之后,巴黎动物园对公众开放
随着时间的推移,动物园的人物从轮换简单的动物展示发展到一个惊叹的公共场所,用科学的学问去饲养它们,特别的供养濒临灭绝的和已经野生灭绝的动物,首个现代科学动物园1828年在伦敦建立的伦敦动物社会,它对外开放与1847年,是资助科学工作的一种方式,伦敦人立刻将动物园的英语算短为"Zoo",这也是伦敦的动物学社会第一个创造了开放式的野生动物园,1926年在Chiltern山建立了 Whipsnade野生动物园,著名的博物学家达尔文(就是进化论那个)为了观察一些动物的行为参观了伦敦动物园,第一个活得大猩猩被展示出来据说相当程度的影响了一些达尔文对非人类灵长动物进化,情感和智力的思想

  • 写作思路


  • 双语范文参考(90字左右)

  1. zoo

    There is a zoo near my home. The zoo is very big and beautiful. There are many animals in the zoo. I like it very much.

    Panda is cute and fat, but it's not my favorite animal. The lion is very strong, but it is not my favorite animal because it is not very handsome. The tiger is very strong and handsome. It is my favorite animal because it is very strong and handsome.

    If you also like animals, you are welcome to play here. I can be a tour guide!

  2. 动物园




  • 写作模板参考

  1. Zoo

    There is a zoo near my home. The zoo.............There are.......... I like it very much.

    Panda is cute and fat, ...................The lion.................The tiger.......................

    If you also like animals, you are welcome to play here. I can be a tour guide!

  2. 动物园




I have been to Taipei Zoo about once a year. The zoo is like a hotel for animals. The animals come from many parts of the world. The animals that came from Africa are elephants, lions, zebras, camels, ostriches, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giraffes, hyenas, monkeys, and cheetahs, Kangaroos came from Australia. Tigers came from Malaysia. Penguins came from South America. There are a lot of native animals, anteaters, rattlesnakes, beautiful birds and fish, and so on. I like those native animals best because many of them are our good neighbors.

A Visit to the Zoo
Last Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Zoo.We went by bike. It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in the Zoo. It would take a whole day to see all the animals there. So we decided to see some of the most interesting ones. We saw the elephants first and then the monkeys. Finally we went to see our favourite“friends”-- the giant pandas. We were delighted to see them waving to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo.


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    黎往虏happy today.I want to go there next Sunday.翻译:今天,我去了动物园看到了许多动物。老虎是很大的。猴子都非常可爱。鸟儿们很有趣。我最喜欢小狗了,因为它们可爱,聪明而且漂亮。我喜欢去动物园。而且我今天很开心。我下周日还想去动物园。怎么样。。。我尽量按照小朋友的角度来写的。。。

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