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英文翻译 老子名言 在线等~

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love




The road to road, very road; who can name, very name. (you can tell the truth, not eternal truth; you can call out the name, not the eternal name.)

The world is difficult, it was easy to make; the world events, will be in fine. (do the world is difficult, must from easy to do; do the world event, must start from doing small things)

Everyone knows the beauty as beauty, 'do evil; know that good is good, bad,. (the world knows what is beauty, this is bad; the world knows what is good, this is evil)

To the people, come to speak of; wish, will die. (to rule the people, the first words on the people of modest; to lead the people, must put their own interests in the interests of the people.)

Colors blind, pentameter is deaf, five taste that people cool, gallop hunting make people mad, rare goods a row. (of riotous color, make people see things in a blur; music, make people addicted to confuse; rich food, so that the population injury anorexia; gallop hunting, make people mad; scarce goods, make the person acts of misconduct)

Husband of the thick, not in the thinning; place actually, not in the China

Go through fire and water. Students who have three dead, ten; and ten, three; the life of a man, moving to death, also ten three.

Fear no death, but since the death to fear? If the people are afraid of death, for the odd person, we can seize and kill, who dare?

A: celecoxib was one day to clear; to have a rather God in spirit; a; valley have a student; Houde a thought the world was.

Enduring as the universe. Heaven and earth so long, because they do not live, so can longevity. Therefore the sage is the last becomes the first; the out becomes the. Non - with its selfless evil? So it can become private

A surplus, as it has; Chuai and sharp, not long. Night, no one can keep; rich and arrogant, left the blame. Retire after winning merit, is the way of heaven.

And the body is pro? And the goods is much? With the death or disease?

Do not see, it is not self, therefore; Zhang; not since the cut, so active; not pride, so long. (not only see with your own eyes, so discover the minutest detail in everything; don't be opinionated, so is not clear; not boast, so do not have a high opinion of oneself, not merit; so long as people)

I have three treasures, and insurance, said a Tzu Chi, two, Jian, three, did not dare for the world first.

Conduct, the thief; not conduct, the Fu

Small territory and population, the Shenbo device instead of the people, heavy and not far and move. (of the villain and, even with all kinds of equipment, also do not use; make people not easily adventure, not to distant migration)

Dao Sheng, and his two, two three, Sansheng things. (canal that produce the original cosmic chaos material, the original chaotic material is divided into the Yin and Yang of the two aspects, the Yin and Yang of the two aspects have a new third, the new third generation differ in thousands of ways.)



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