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my school is over。

1.Fernando: [from trailer] You two are coming with me.
Jewel: In your little monkey dreams.
Blu: Maybe we could find a bus schedule or something?
2.Rafael: [Flying alongside trolley, whispering to Blu] Down here! Just tell her: "you have beautiful eyes".
Blu: That's good! Great idea!
[to Jewel, with confidence]
Blu: I have beautiful eyes.
3.Nigel: [singing] I'm a feathery freak with a beak, a bird murderer. You think you're badder than me? I never heard o' ya!
4.Blu: Yeah sounds great, it's not like were just throwing ourselves off of a mountain... right?
Rafael: Actually, that was pretty much my entire plan.
5.Rafael: If our featherless friends can do it, how hard can it be?
Man on glider: No wait!
Man on glider: Mama!! Help me!!!
Rafael: Fun right?
Blu: Yeah... fun
6.Blu: You see, who needs flying?
Jewel: Birds! Birds need flying. Flying is... err... freedom, and, and not having to rely on anyone. Don't you want that?
Blu: Hmm, I don't know. Sounds a little lonely
Blu: What is natural about getting thrown halfway across the room?
7.Luiz: I don't know how I got up here, but I ain't never coming down!
Nigel: I don't care about your nicked knick-kacks. Your burgled baubles bore me


Never send a monkey to do a bird's job.

Pack up and go! 


 拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊 All the birds of the feather   

尽情舒展婀娜之姿  Do what they love most of all   

充满韵律 欢声笑语  We are the best at rhythm and laughter   

我们最爱嘉年华  That's why we love Carnival   

拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊 All so clear we can sing to 

  与生俱来爱冒险  Some adventures rebor


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