请帮我翻译一下下面的句子。急用!谢谢! 每天多给我一个小时,我会用来充实自己的生活,多阅读一些书籍,

来自:品购    更新日期:早些时候

I remember there was a period in a short video, what's everyone's home something special, Shauna had put a "see if you are crazy" book, I was laughing on the floor, she said two pages every night to see her character does not meet the conditions of Neurology Today, no more funny people.

모바일 소셜 미디어, 그리고 신속한 개발 - 더욱 더 발전된 모바일 기기, 모바일 마케팅의 새로운 형태의 도입과 함께.

소비자가 권위와 개인 모바일 기기의 네트워크에 액세스하는 데 계속 유비 쿼터스 네트워크 : 1) 마케팅 활동 같은 모바일 마케팅의 세 가지 조건이 필요합니다.

2) 두 변수, 소비 및 트리거에 대한 지식의 교환에 따르면, 모바일 마케팅 애플 리케이션은 네 종류로 나눌 수 있습니다, ​​그것은 피해자 (희생자), 빈번한 방문자, 낯선 사람, 그리고 광팬이라고 할 수 있습니다.

루이스빌 여행, 이건 Gowalla 회사와 루이빌 머큐리 뉴스 조직하는 것입니다. 랜드마크 방문자들이 도로에서 최대한 도움을 방문자에게 권장 Gowalla 로그인 포인트 범위를 제공합니다 确实很丢脸,假冒的

Give me an hour a day, I used to enrich their life, read some books, enrich their lives.
Hope that more than one hour, a family together, and spending more time with my dear daughter.
The more out of an hour, and then end together "consumption".
If you give me an hour, I will continue to work hard, to change the status quo.

1--One more an hour a day,i will read more books and enrich my life.
2--Hope there will be extra an hour a day,i can stay together with may family and play with my little daughter.
3--Collect the extra an hour and spend them at once in the end of year.
4--If i were given one more an hour,i am going on working hard,improving the situation.


If I had one more hour every day ,I would do more reading ,aiming at enriching and fulfilling my life.I do hope the extra one hour can be spent with my family ,especially my loving daughter.I would consume the extra hours saved for a year .If it could come into reality,I would continue working hard to change the situation now.

Give me one more hour a day, to enrich my own life, to read some books, to enrich my own lives, to be with my family, to have more with my dear daughter.To spend these hours together in the end of each year.
If I can be given one more hour a day, I will keep working hard to change my present situation.

请帮我翻译一下下面的句子。急用!谢谢! 每天多给我一个小时,我会用来充实自己的生活,多阅读一些书籍,视频

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    武栏雷1.Please survey the market share of the following commodity in this company.2.My company will consider quoted price after receiving the credit status of your company.3.My company planned to make business with XXX company,we are privileged if you can give directions to me as the ...

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  • 19791615708谁能帮我翻译一下下面的句子? 谢谢!

  • 19791615708帮我翻译一下下面的一段句子~!!!谢谢了
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