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Party A first,high-quality service;
Obey laws and regulations,perform credibly;
Safety first,prevention ciucial;
Prevent environment,cherish resources;
Innovative management,persistent improvement

tentative,it means not definite or certain 就是不确定,不肯定,暂定的意思,in a tentative form我认为应该是“从初步的形式看”的意思,希望可以帮到你

Hi, long time no see. How are you? The weather is cold; take care of your heath...
Since coming from Hong Kong, I can drop asleep eventually. I already slept very well in Hong Kong the second day-----because I had known the result. But before that, I could not fell to sleep all the time, and felt very bitter by headache------after the lawyer sent me the documents; my nerve was held very tight onto myself. It came to the top when she sent me the letter. But now things are better.
I am grateful to everyone for all he has done for me, even though the result was not as famous as we hoped, I appreciate it very much, sometimes when I thank about the heckle coming up against me in Hong Kong, I felt it was really with the reason, what virtue and ability do I have, that can I get the favor from God? And those who helping me are more concerned the programs of the state of the affair. That makes me feel ashamed much more.
In Hong Kong, I felt a bit disappointed when I went out (-----) that day, no, frankly to say, I was very disappointed. What I felt disappointed was not my future but letting everybody especially my mother down because of my lost. Because at the former plan of Hong Kong trip, I could deliver her a new year’s gift. I walked along the middle ring street losing my heart that day, before the time, I had been listened to my auntie who is in Hong Kong: when finished the businesses, I could browse Hong Kong island by the “dim”.
So I walked down to the station, but even I waited a long time, there were not a single one could lead me to my destination, I almost cried out------it is too worst. Then I walked along the railway, until I felt tired. I jumped up into a “ding ding” car, No one on board, only a few foreigners in video scenes. When they saw me they said hello to me friendly, it let me feel better. And I felt I was very fool. The following time I was loitering in Hong Kong aimlessly. Until I returned to Shenzhen, I really didn’t think that things came to an end.
I know that thing thereinafter must be accomplished by you, although I am not sure of the outcome, I was somewhat guilty, for you do not need to do so many trouble things originally. How do you look at this thing? Does it let you feel frustrated?
There is going to be the Spring Festival after one month, wish you and your family, all things are right in the New Year. Remember me to grandparents. Chatting next time.
Carp totem from the myths and legends of China. Yellow River carp in a particular moment. Can jump over the 'Dragon Gap' and change into the real dragon -- although they have the bloodline of dragon before, but they are not the real dragon. because the heaven does not need so much dragon, when the carp jump 'goal Gap', the heaven will send lightning to bit them, those who is lost will be burn the trail, but they unwilling to accept its defeat and will continue to wait for an opportunity to constantly try to change their own destiny. They are the embodiment of the strong, and as long for the carp, it is fortunate mean. This is the symbol of carp totem (on behalf of men) – perseverance, lucky. Perhaps if you ask a Japanese friend, they will be talking about that more wonderful, may be their description has some different from me. And this is normal.

Excuse me!May I come in?

Hai,you duan shi jian mei lian luo le.Hai hao ma?Tian leng,zhu yi jian kang.
Zi cong XiangGang hui lai hou,wo zhong yu ke yi ru shui le......

Me English is good!! Hehe


so hard


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