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1)要是和老外说"很抱歉占用你的一点时间",很多老外会自然地就不继续看下去了,要注意。应说 “thank you for your time”
3)尽量不要诿过于对方的 HR, 这样会给人不好的印象,假如你真的能入职对方公司,这种不良印象的后果是很难消除的。当然也不要把责任全揽上身,那样对方又会觉得你有问题。

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your time. This is xx came to the interview yesterday. An IT related position is always my favorite/job target, especially when it's related to SAP. However, due to (mutual) misunderstanding it somehow appeared to me that it's the position of IT Support you are looking for, that's why I failed to express my strong wish to try this SAP related job. Therefore I think it's necessary to state my intension and hope it's understandable.

Many thanks to Danna for offering this opportunity to have a happy sharing with you. It would be even more grateful if I could have the chance to work with you.

Thanks Again & Best Regards


Dear Mr XX,

很抱歉占用你的一点时间,我是昨天来面试的XX,一直以来我都很期待能得到一份与IT方面的工作,并且能接触到SAP。由于HR部门事先通知我空缺的职位是IT Support,因此我昨天没有向您表达我同样期望从事SAP工作的强烈愿望,所以我觉得我需要向您作一点补充。
Was sorry very much takes your time, I am XX, since I who yesterday interviewed have anticipated very much could obtain one with the IT aspect work, and could contact SAP. Because the HR department informs my vacancy the position is IT Support beforehand, therefore I have not expressed my similar expectation to you to be engaged in the SAP work yesterday the strong aspiration, therefore I thought that I need to make a supplement to you.

Danna Corporation has given me an interview opportunity, and has carried on the happy exchange with you, I thank! And I also hoped that can have the position Danna Corporation potency opportunity.

Indicated once more thanks and extends the best wish!

Dear Mr XX,
This is XX who came to apply the position IT Support yesterday.第一句点明人物,时间,事件.因为事情刚刚发生不久,你这样一写对方就很快想起你了.
Thank you for granting me such a chance.对对方给你面试的机会表达你的谢意.
I was told that your esteemed company supplies a position as IT Support so i came.while after chatting with you i find you actually need a SAP staff.which happens to meeting my interesting.could i have an appointment with you in you downtime?I'll show you my capacity.how do you think?指出自己想要应聘SAP的愿望
Again,thank you for your attention.And I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Have a nice day.再次表达谢意.希望对方能再给你个机会

Faithfully your,

Dear Mr XX,
This is XX who came to apply the position IT Support yesterday.
I was told that your esteemed company supplies a position as IT Support so i came.while after chatting with you i find you actually need a SAP staff.which happens to meeting my interesting.could i have an appointment with you in you downtime?I'll show you my capacity.how do you think?
Again,thank you for your attention.And I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Have a nice day.

Faithfully your,



Dear Mr XX,


Sorry to take your time, i'm the person that has the try yesterday, i always want to take a work about IT, and to contact was SAP.

由于HR部门事先通知我空缺的职位是IT Support,因此我昨天没有向您表达我同样期望从事SAP工作的强烈愿望,所以我觉得我需要向您作一点补充。

Because of the HR section tells me that the job that you need was IT Support, so yesterday i didn't tells you that i want to be a SAP worker as well as IT, so i want to tell you i bit more.


Company Danna have give me the chance of interview, and it's a pretty present talk, i am so pleased about that! Also i really want to be one of the Company Danna.


your sincerely!

Dear Mr XX,

First, I am so sorry for occupying your time to read this e-mail.

I am XX, who had been an interviewee yesterday. From the interview yesterday, I am sure you have got the impression that I am so eagerly to get a job relevant to Information Technology. However, because the Human Resource Department has informed me the job vacancy as IT support, I haven’t expressed my willingness and enthusiasm sufficiently to serve as a SAP Maintain as you did. Therefore, I think it is necessary to send this email for classification as to avoid the ambiguity.

Danna has given me an opportunity to attend the interview and I have had a pleasant and delightful talk with you. I really appreciate it, and also I want to get the precious chance to exert my every effort to Danna Company.

Thank you very much and best wishes to you.

Yours faithfully:



Dear Mr XX,
I am very sorry occupy your time. I am XX who you gave an interview yesterday. I am longed-for a job in the field of IT, especially having contact with SAP. However, the Human Resource Department informed me that the job vacancy was IT Support, so I did not express my strong willingness to be engaged in SAP. Therefore, I feel it is necessary to send an email to you to explain it.
I appreciate that you gave me an interview and we had an plesant communication. I wish I had the opportunity to work for Danna Company.
Best Wishes.

这句的同样没有译,本人水平有限,不知如何译,才能与你的原文意义贴切。最后祝福语“再次表示感谢”没译。本人觉得啰嗦,因为两次感谢贴得太近。如果版主想加上去,那译文是“Thanks again and best wishes”


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