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I'm sorry for my failure to handle the business on time due to my poor command of English.

I'm looking forward to a good outcome and hearing a piece of good news.

Wish you happy new year.


As a special kind of communication activities, advertising needs to spread towards the general public with the aid of propaganda media and publicity activities. It needs to choose appropriate media, carry out colorful publicity activities, in order to persuade the public with non-mandatory means and radiation power of communication medias themselves, which finally shapes brand and promote sales. In this paper, induction, deduction, comprehensive, comparison etc. logical analysis methods are adopted to make qualitative analysis on relevant documents and materials to reveal the unique characters of the materials with the hope of providing a reference for similar sports goods brands in our country.

1. New York is located in the northeastern U.S., the United States one of the most economically developed states. 1777年独立,州府在Albany,纽约是它最大的城市。 1777 independent state capital in Albany, New York is its largest city. 人口全美排名第三,大约1900万。 U.S. population ranked third, about 19 million. 纽约州有全美最大的纽约港(Port of New York)。 New York, New York state had the nation's largest port (Port of New York).

2.纽约市是美国最大的城市,建于1624年,别称“大苹果”(The Big Apple)、不夜城(The City That Never Sleeps)。 2. New York City is the largest city, was built in 1624, another name for the "Big Apple" (The Big Apple), Sleepless Town (The City That Never Sleeps). 它位于纽约州的东南部,是世界上最重要的商业和金融中心。 It is located in southeastern New York, is the world's most important commercial and financial center. 人口约1800万。 Population of about 18 million. 有世界著名的百老汇(Broadway)、纽约中央公园(Central Park) 、华尔街(Wall Street)等等。 The world famous Broadway (Broadway), New York's Central Park (Central Park), Wall Street (Wall Street) and so on.

3. 第一,它紧邻世界著名硅谷,能够从硅谷吸引到优秀的管理专家来校从事教学工作,这样的学习环境是独一无二的。 3. First, it is close to world-famous Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley can attract outstanding management experts to teach school, so that the learning environment is unique. 第二,针对不同的学生定制不同的学习计划。 Second, customized for different students of different learning programs. 第三,More than 120 evening and weekend classes to choose from。 Third, More than 120 evening and weekend classes to choose from. 最后,NPU is one of the accepted American University by China。 Finally, NPU is one of the accepted American University by China.

4.将来我想去...公司,所以想深入学习管理知识,NPU大学在MBA方面有独特的教育方式,针对不同的学生定制不同的学习计划,对我实现职业目标很有帮助。 4. In the future I want to go ... the company, so would like to study in depth management knowledge, NPU University MBA education has a unique way, tailored for different students with different learning plan, to me very helpful to achieve career goals.

5.财务管理(Financial Management)是企业管理的一个组成部分,该课程主要学习怎样组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系。 5. Financial Management (Financial Management) is an integral part of enterprise management, the course is to learn how to organize the corporate finance activities, dealing with financial relationships.

6.人力资源管理(Human Resources Management),该课程根据企业发展的需求,有计划地对人力资源进行合理分配。 6. Human Resources Management (Human Resources Management), the course according to the needs of enterprise development, planned way rational allocation of human resources.

7.我的表哥在北京的一家贸易公司工作了三年,他公司的经理就毕业于NPU,收入是他的10倍,知道我有留学的打算之后,他给了我推荐了这所大学。 7. My cousin, a trading company in Beijing for three years, the company's manager he graduated from the NPU, his income is 10 times that I have studied the plan, he gave me the university recommended .

8.中粮集团(COFCO)成立于1952年,是中国最大的进出口企业之一,也是全球企业500强。 8. COFCO (COFCO) was established in 1952, is one of China's largest import and export enterprises, is the world's top 500 enterprises. 它的很多产品在中国都很畅销,如金帝巧克力、蒙牛牛奶。 Many of its products are sold well in China, such as the Jindi chocolate, Mengniu milk. 近年来COFCO对于海外留学生大量的需求,这是我选择中粮的原因。 COFCO for overseas students in recent years, a lot of needs, this is the reason I chose the food.

1. New York, located in the Northeastern region of the United States, is one of America's most developed states. Established in 1777, with its capitol city in Albany, New York City is the largest city throughout the United States. New York is the third most populated state in America, with approximately 19 million residents in total, and is home to the largest port in the nation.

2. New York City, also known as The Big Apple or the City that Never Sleeps, is the largest city in the United States that was established in 1624. New York city is located in the southeastern region of New York and is widely recognized and honored as the world's most important financial and commercial center, holding a population of around 18 million people and is home to well-known landmarks such as Broadway, Central Park, Wall Street, and etcetera.

3. First, similar to Silicon Valley, New York City offers an unparalleled academic environment that has known to attract experts from education and management sectors. Secondly, it renders customizable and individualized learning programs for different students. Thirdly, there are more than 120 evening and weekend classes to choose from. Finally, NPU is one of the few American universities that have been approved by China.

4. Furthermore, I have always aimed to work in ... company, and know that NPU offers one of the best programs in educational management. Therefore, I think it would be a wise career choice to attend the MBA program rendered by NPU to further my knowledge in management.


1. New York is located in the northeastern U.S., the United States one of the most economically developed states. 1777 independent state capital in Albany, New York is its largest city. U.S. population ranked third, about 19 million. New York, New York state had the nation's largest port (Port of New York).

2. New York City is the largest city, was built in 1624, another name for the "Big Apple" (The Big Apple), Sleepless Town (The City That Never Sleeps). It is located in southeastern New York, is the world's most important commercial and financial center. Population of about 18 million. The world famous Broadway (Broadway), New York's Central Park (Central Park), Wall Street (Wall Street) and so on.

3. First, it is close to world-famous Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley can attract outstanding management experts to teach school, so that the learning environment is unique. Second, customized for different students of different learning programs. Third, More than 120 evening and weekend classes to choose from. Finally, NPU is one of the accepted American University by China.

4. In the future I want to go ... the company, so would like to study in depth management knowledge, NPU University MBA education has a unique way, tailored for different students with different learning program helps me to achieve career goals.

5. Financial Management (Financial Management) is an integral part of enterprise management, the course is to learn how to organize the corporate finance activities, dealing with financial relationships.

6. Human Resources Management (Human Resources Management), the course according to the needs of enterprise development, planned way rational allocation of human resources.

7. My cousin, a trading company in Beijing for three years, the company's manager he graduated from the NPU, his income is 10 times that I have studied the plan, he gave me the university recommended .

8. COFCO (COFCO) was established in 1952, is one of China's largest import and export enterprises, is the world's top 500 enterprises. Many of its products are sold well in China, such as the Jindi chocolate, Mengniu milk. In recent years, COFCO a lot of demand for overseas students, this is the reason I chose the food.


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