
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1)Thanks to the teachers taught us how to study and live.
2)Thanks to our Alma Mater offered us such a good environment for us studying.
3)One day our classmates will requite our alma mater and society.
4)First and foremost,i am proud of having been studying at this school,during those studying period i learnt a lot of things which could not bought by the money.

My name is ** i'm from **, I was 09 students in the school, my majored is international trade, is pleased to participate in your interview。 I would like to be a clerke In trade-related companies 。I have great interest in it。After two years of study, I have a preliminary understanding at International trade in this industry。and Mastered the relevant knowledge
。I believe I can do the job。I know that just is not enough to master the professional knowledge , I was also involved in various social work practice in school,This part I have written on the resume in detail。。。。In normal life, I have a very wide range of hobbies。I like all kinds of ball games, the most interested in football。I am not only in football but also gain a harvest of fun to learn some things you can not ,on books。I have planned my life,Now is the first step I want to go
。so i Want your company can give me the opportunity。If I am fortunate enough to become a member of your company I will do everything in my company's development reflected in the value。。这可是手工翻译哦。希望出入不是很大。

1. 我们一到那里,就开始照相.
2. 当我听到这个笑话的时候,忍不住小了起来.
3. 当我们走出商场的时候,雨下得很大.
4. 在我离开前,我已经把所有的灯都关上了.
5. 在消防员控制住火情时,大火已经持续了两个小时.
6. 他如此地高兴以至于发出了一阵欢呼声.
7. 他离开得如此匆忙以至于忘记了自己的钥匙.
8. 她不能站起来,因为她的左脚断了.
9. 虽然在下于,但他们仍然在地里劳作.
10. 医生建议他多做锻炼/多锻炼.


1 我们一到那就开始照相
2 当我听到这个笑话是我忍不住笑了
3 当我们从那家商店出来的时候 开是下雨了
4 我走之前已经把所有的灯都关了
5 在消防队员没有控制住火势的时候 它已经持续两个小 时了
6 他是这么兴奋以至于他都笑出眼泪了
7 他走的特别匆忙连钥匙都忘带了
8 她站不起来 因为她的左腿破了
9 虽然外面在下雨他们仍然在地里工作
10 医生建议他多做写运动

2. 当我听到这个笑话时,我忍不住笑了



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  • 17682397730拜托英语高手帮我翻译一下以下句子。谢谢了!
    孔温风keep out our attack,we are the dominators of the world.看着读的顺不顺,我觉得AND应该用在NOBODY之前,前面的动词之间不应有AND,这样读起来简单有力,那黑客的自负便跃然纸上了。around the world,in the world,of the world也是特意选的词,原稿找不到了,我只能这样给你翻译一下了。

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  • 17682397730我英语不太好,谁帮我翻译一下下面这些句子,要准确,感激不尽!_百度知 ...
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  • 17682397730急急急!谁能帮帮我,把这些汉语句子翻译成正确的英语句啊?万分感谢!
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  • 17682397730能否帮我翻译下这些句子,谢谢了,我不懂英语。急急!!!

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