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1 您好,你找哪位?HI, Anybody you want to meet?
2 请问怎么称呼您?May I know your name?
3 请问您有他的联系方式吗?Do you have his contact method?
4请问你是哪个公司的?May I know which company do you serve?
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I hope my hometown will be more beautiful.

1.Compared with doing shopping in the shop, I prefer doing shopping via the net . Because online articles kinds are complete, very apt to find the articles that I want, more important, I can buy the things that I like at home !
2.We invent computer is to live a better life, if computer has its own thought, no longer controlled by us, it probably wants us to serve it conversely, just like the film <the crisis of the robot>!

1. Than in the store shopping, I prefer online shopping. Online because of the types of complete, it is easy to find the articles I want to, more importantly, I just sit at home like I can buy the things!
2. We invented computers, we have to live with the better, if the computer has its own ideology, no longer under our control, it is likely to turn to us for its services, just as the film <robot crisis> as !


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    连维水1. In spring, most of the time were very warm, it rains sometimes. In this season, a lot of people like go outing, but also easy to catch a cold.2. In the summer, most of the time are very hot and sunny. Many students can have a long holiday. On holidays, they ...

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    连维水あなたは颜真っ赤にして、服を擦るばかりで、じっと下を向いてた。笑ってたようだった。二十五歳、あなたに爱といった时、分かったから、早く起きなさいよ、この怠け者とあなたが朝御饭をテーブルにおいて、こちへ来てぼくのはなをなでていた 太长了,累死我啦 ...

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  • 13356819569谁能帮我翻译一下面的句子
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    连维水1. You see this picture can be a great praise you see guilin landscape? 2. The mountain of guilin's strange ah, like old man, like a giant like, like camels, qifeng listed. 3. The mountain of guilin is show me, like green protective screen, like the new bamboo shoots, ...

  • 13356819569谁能帮我翻译一下下面的句子啊,是我现在的心情,我现在很迷茫_百度知 ...
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    连维水我是销售主管。 我负责监督中国北方包括北京一带销售人员的工作。我有大约40个地区销售代表在我手下工作。我很喜欢我的工作。 工作有时有起伏, 但是这真的是个好工作。 我喜欢一起工作的人, 这可以给工作造成好坏2方面影响。 我们一起合作的非常好, 另外我们互相信任, 公平分红。

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    连维水“wown计划者决定的覆盖整个岛只有南部曼哈顿、部分的开发了一个grid-pattern atreet网络,同时,形成城市的基础结构。临到仍然是那时,一个例外是:百老汇”希望可以帮到你!

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