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As a tour guide I am very pleased, and as a tour guide it means that the English have to pay more in the effort, because the industry is too fierce competition! I think the English tour is not only fluent in English need more needs broad range of knowledge, to give foreign tourists say China's culture, religion, architecture, history and other aspects of knowledge. This is much more difficult than English. . However, for guided tours of the political nature of the world in terms of countries or regions is the existence of differences in the different social systems, political nature different.With the approaching footsteps of the Olympic Games, the Olympic Games, given the various tasks of the tourism industry will gradually hard, and the tourism industry will soon face a new situation in China - Beijing Olympic Games is a friendly exchanges between the peoples of the world event in Beijing and to China's tourism bring glory to the mission, but also to China and the Beijing tourism experience with a new test.
Olympics to tourism and organic combination seems to be more the effects of the Olympic economy. China's hosting of the Olympic Games, more than 100 countries, athletes and spectators to Beijing, the tourism industry to take full advantage of this opportunity to promote China's tourism resources, and demonstrate the ancient culture of the ancient city of Beijing. A tourism industry to attract more people to participate in the Olympic Games inside; still need the help of the Olympic Games publicity, attract more tourists to Beijing for sightseeing.
We should not only focus on the Olympic Games held before and after, especially on the Olympic economy is the catalyst of tourism in our country. International many of the countries hosting the Olympic Games are to seize this opportunity to let the tourism industry going out with the Olympic Games. Olympics to bring the tourism industry of our country in the period of the Olympic Games is not just the business opportunities, and the tremendous effects of culture and sports, will create a new prosperity of tourism in our country.

1.The people of the USA were greatly shocked at the news of the Japanese attacking on Pearl Harbor.
2.If you are one of these people, don't be alarmed because the good thing about self-confidence is that it can be learned, with practice, at any age.
3.If any of us were, we could be defined as the creator of all things.
4.Once you make yourself aware of those things that send those feelings into your brain, you can start doing something to tackle them.
5.When we begin to envy another, or become jealous of their life position, we open the door to insecurity and the belief of being less than others.




1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹没人懂 自嘲墨尽 千情万怨已皆愁 (谈 应该是 淡 吧,更对仗)
Fading laughters and limited words, ancient silliness and present craziness have all gone empty. Only when the sword turns blunt and blade becomes dull, when love and oath are all over, can one wake up from dreams. Nobody can understand my sign on the deserted road or my rich experience on travel. Even self-mockery fails to express mysrlf and all the love and hatred have turned into annoyers.

2.零碎 枯死的记忆随风飘落 轻轻挨着你远去的车辙 当年我们相遇在不同的街口 相识在不同的时刻 等着 等着 我们错过
Fragmentary and dead memory has already gone with the wind. Quietly staying beside the track on which you are leaving, I'm recalling the ocassion when we first met each other at different street-corners and acquainted at different time. Waiting and waiting, finally we missed each other.

3.风中的路 云间的街 若隐若现 时断时连 世间哪有一尘不变
The path in the wind and street among the clouds are partly hidden and partly visible, sometines parted and sometimes connected. Nothing in the word is eternal.

4.现实的剧情 就让它比童话更精彩
The plot is so realistic that we can make it more wonderful than the fairy tales.

5.情归何方 曲为谁唱 轻纱随风难解思念的伤 英雄伤心为谁几度情长 琴声不断与谁今生共赏 音未觉 纵马置身疆场 (觉 应该是 绝 ,结束的意思吧)
Where will the love be ended? Whom is the the song sung for? The veils dancing in the wind can't comfort my hurt of missing you, and the hero is sad for someone who he loves deeply. The sound of strings continues, but who can appreciate it with me? Before the music is ended, I head towards the battlefield on the horseback.

6.岁月难得沉默 秋风厌倦漂泊
Silence is hardly seen nowadays; with the wind in fall, I feel tired of wandering.

7.曲终人散 发花鬓白红颜殁 烛残未觉 与日争辉徒
When the music is over and we get parted, I find my hair white and face pale. Being sleepless all night long with the lignt of a dying candle, I realise that it's useless to compete luminescence with the sun, which would only make me emaciated.

1. Joke stumped this old crazy mad blunt end into the air knife blade broke lack Enduanyijue dream road side waste left behind no one knows sigh enjoy the footprint of the ink to make thousands of jokes have been complaining are unhappy situation million 2. Fragmentary memories of the wind falling light dead light next to the track you away When we met on the street imports met at different times in different waiting waiting for us to miss three. the wind in the road when the clouds looming off the street how can the world even when her unchangeable 4 . the reality of the story to make it more exciting than the fairy 5. Who sang love songs go where the wind veil sad obscure hero for whom missing the injury several times



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    都征唐Thank you for your check and approve my resume.I have recived the questions that come up by you and my responds are as follows:1.I am also very interested in the post of sales engineer.2.I have no specific demands on the working place but certainly I prefer Shandong Province...

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    都征唐when love and oath are all over, can one wake up from dreams. Nobody can understand my sign on the deserted road or my rich experience on travel. Even self-mockery fails to express mysrlf and all the love and hatred have ...

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    都征唐I love painting because it can bring so much fun to me.~~~望采纳, O(∩_∩)O谢谢~

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