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- visit the zoo:参观动物园

- zookeeper:动物园管理员

- zoo animals:动物园里的动物

- zoo exhibit:动物园展示区

- zoo conservation:动物园的保护工作




1. Let's go to the zoo and see the lions and tigers.(我们去动物园看狮子和老虎吧。)

2. The zoo is a popular attraction for both children and adults.(动物园是孩子和成人都喜欢的景点。)

3. The zookeeper feeds the animals every day.(动物园管理员每天喂养动物。)

4. They are working on a new exhibit for endangered species at the zoo.(他们正在为动物园的濒危物种准备一个新的展示区。)

5. The zoo plays an important role in wildlife conservation.(动物园在野生动物保护方面扮演着重要的角色。)


  • 15195012025动物园写作用英语?

  • 15195012025建动物园好处英语作文
    连翔迫答:Living in the zoo animals are more docile, lovely, eat well and live security; But, because of, little of the law of the jungle environment, animals lose their survival ability, lost their freedom. Animals are no longer animals, but pets. 生活在动物园里的动物都比较温顺,可爱,...

  • 15195012025求一篇英语作文关于动物园对动物的好处……求好人……求能人!!_百度...
    连翔迫答:Animals are important in our life. It has many of the usages in the different fields. Zoo is contains alot of animals which receive the required care. Some people may consider that a zoo has no useful purpose while in my view it has many benefits in our life, so , I com...

  • 15195012025请用英语说出动物在动物园里的好处,那个~~顺便注明中文
    连翔迫答:维持动物的动物园,不仅可以保护他们,而且还让人们更多地了解它们 ,人们可以感受到正在得到封闭性质在这道路.对于动物本身,他们不必担心食物和生存危机的任何更。他们可以享受美味的膳食,每天在吃饭时间.此外,动物园老板可以发财管理.更多,生活在动物园的动物提供医疗服务,他们不能在野外环境。我好像回答...

  • 15195012025动物园用英语怎么写?
    连翔迫答:读音:英 [zu:] 美 [zu]n.动物园; (铁路货车的最后一节)守车; 核粒子园 望采纳!问题五:动物园规则,用英语怎么写? 5分 1.Please don't touch the animals.2.Please don't feet the animals.3.Please don't make hurt to animals.4.Please be friends with animals.5.Please don't...

  • 15195012025用英语表达建立动物园对动物有什么好处。拜托了,我真的很需要。今天晚上...
    连翔迫答:Watching the animals in the zoo may give the parents a good chance to teach their children to love the animals and the world 补充 The parents can get the children know more about the animals in the zoo by watching listening even smelling instead of just looking at the dull ...

  • 15195012025英语作文 建立动物园的利与弊
    连翔迫答:4\reproduction will be worse in zoo;the decrease may lead to dying out.5\high cost,while it is with the large requirement of space/room 1、真正的大森林里的动物少了,绿地就会减少 2、使野生动物失去了本性 3、破坏了生态平衡,破坏了生物链.4、在动物园的动物的繁殖会有所下降,动物的...

  • 15195012025动物园英语游记作文?
    连翔迫答:动物园游记英文作文1:北京动物园游记 Beijing zoo is the largest zoo in asia and one of the largest zoo in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in it. We can see yellow,green,orange and brown birds,which can sing nice songs.The elephants have a long ...

  • 15195012025动物园的好处和弊端都有什么?请用英语说。谢谢
    连翔迫答:好处1.The zoo to be possible the protect animals, lets the animal have one to belong to own family.建动物园可以保护动物,让动物有一个属于自己的家.坏处 1.The animal degradation, not suited to the natural development.使动物退化,不适应自然发展....

  • 15195012025关于修建动物园利与弊的英语作文,急用!
    连翔迫答:2.动物园环境不好.动物会把病传染给人.The situation of the zoo is bad and the animals would give sickness to human beings.3.失去了野生动物的本性 The animals lost their wild nature .4.破坏了生态平衡.破坏了生物链 Destroy the balance of nature and biosphere.5.游客手上有细菌.向动物...

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