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About the animals in the zoo which is beneficial


维持动物的动物园,不仅可以保护他们,而且还让人们更多地了解它们 ,人们可以感受到正在得到封闭性质在这道路.对于动物本身,他们不必担心食物和生存危机的任何更。他们可以享受美味的膳食,每天在吃饭时间.此外,动物园老板可以发财管理.更多,生活在动物园的动物提供医疗服务,他们不能在野外环境。

我好像回答个问题就是这个- -


  • 18656476547用英语来说动物放在动物园里的好处?
    宓钓狭答:and provides us a colourful life.

  • 18656476547用英文告诉我动物在动物园里的好处,那个,顺便注明中文,拜托~~急救...
    宓钓狭答:Keeping animals in a zoo,not only can protect them but also let people know more about them.Besides,people can feel being get closed to nature in this way.For animals itself,they needn't worry about food and survive crisis any more.They can enjoy delicious meals each day in a...

  • 18656476547写一篇英语小短文,介绍一下动物园里的动物们分别干什么五句话_百度知...
    宓钓狭答:写作思路:可以写在动物园里面都看到了什么动物,比如鳄鱼张着巨大的嘴巴,露着锋利的牙齿好恐怖;鹦鹉表演场的鹦鹉,有骑自行车的、有说话的等等。正文:There are so many animals in the zoo. When I went inside, I saw many parrots, red, blue and white. They were very beautiful. Then I...

  • 18656476547动物在森林里还是在动物园好?英语快!!!我要在动物园的!!!谢了!
    宓钓狭答:animals live better in zoos than in the wild。zoos can help to conserve the endangered species.

  • 18656476547辩论动物应不应该待在动物园里【英语】
    宓钓狭答:As one coin has two sides.I think this measure is a not good activity,because it can make animals hve less freedom and stay away from their own homes.动物是否应留在动物园? 如今,越来越多的人喜欢到动物园看动物.因为有各种各样的动物在动物园,所以动物园吸引了不少游客。面对...

  • 18656476547...为题,用英语介绍一下你在动物园里看到的动物,不少于5句话_百度知 ...
    宓钓狭答:we watch the performances of seals. They are very clever. We had a good time in the zoo.上周周末我爸妈和我去了上海野生动物园。动物园里有许多种类的动物,像猴子、熊、老虎、鹿等等。下午,我们观看了海豹的水中表演。它们很聪明。我们在动物园度过了一段美好的时光。望采纳~...

  • 18656476547写一篇英语作文 以在动物园里笼养动物好不好 的讨论,用英语将讨论结果写...
    宓钓狭答:the other part argue that limiting animal in cages is not only waste man power and material resources but also break ecological balance.Even worse,the animal will lose their freedom.From my own perspective,I oppose breeding animal in cages in the zoo.I agree with those reasons ...

  • 18656476547用英语表达建立动物园对动物有什么好处。拜托了,我真的很需要。今天晚上...
    宓钓狭答:Good opportunities for the people in the city especially those children who don't have the chance to set foot in the wild world Watching the animals in the zoo may give the parents a good chance to teach their children to love the animals and the world 补充 The parents can ...

  • 18656476547写一篇关于在动物园养动物好不好的英语作文,100词左右
    宓钓狭答:tiger, could enjoy good care and protection away from any hurt. However, along with the stronger natural environmental protection consciousness, many people think that to put animals into small cages will change their living instincts, and therefore break the ecological balance.

  • 18656476547用英语写一篇,关于“动物园里笼养动物好不好”的讨论
    宓钓狭答:Dear Editor,I“m writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos. Some students agree on such a decision. They believe that keeping animals in zoo offers a great opportunity for students to observe wild animals and obtain first-...

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