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维持动物的动物园,不仅可以保护他们,而且还让人们更多地了解它们 ,人们可以感受到正在得到封闭性质在这道路.对于动物本身,他们不必担心食物和生存危机的任何更。他们可以享受美味的膳食,每天在吃饭时间.此外,动物园老板可以发财管理.更多,生活在动物园的动物提供医疗服务,他们不能在野外环境。

我好像回答个问题就是这个- -

Keeping animals in a zoo,not only can protect them but also let people know more about them.Besides,people can feel being get closed to nature in this way.For animals itself,they needn't worry about food and survive crisis any more.They can enjoy delicious meals each day in a ragulary time.In addition,the owner of the zoo can make a fortune managing the business.What's more,living in a zoo can provide animals medical treatment which they can't get in the wild environment.
维持动物的动物园,不仅可以保护他们,而且还让人们更多地了解它们 ,人们可以感受到正在得到封闭性质在这道路.对于动物本身,他们不必担心食物和生存危机的任何更。他们可以享受美味的膳食,每天在吃饭时间.此外,动物园老板可以发财管理.更多,生活在动物园的动物提供医疗服务,他们不能在野外环境。

First,it's good for the animal themselves.Staying in zoos ,they can avoid being hurt or killed with people's protection and caring.Second ,it's good for scientists to do some kinds of research.Last, we common people can have a look of many kinds of wild animals that appear only on TV.It broadens our view,and provides us a colourful life.

They don't have to be afraid of being killed by their enemies. When they are ill, people will take care of them. They might become stars in the zoo.

protect them
people can see them

avoid the human's killing





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