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本指南介绍了用于移动您的用户的文件和设置从 Windows XP 操作系统到 Windows 7 或 Windows Vista 的操作系统选项。本指南还介绍了如何用户状态迁移工具 (USMT) 4.0 可用于在多台计算机上加快文件和设置迁移到现有的 Windows XP 计算机安装 Windows 7 或 Windows Vista 时。与服务包 1 操作系统 Windows Vista 允许用户执行就地升级到 Windows 7 测试版使用标准 Windows 7 测试版 DVD 使用已发布的 ISO 文件创建。为与 Windows Vista 的企业客户,Windows 7 企业 DVD 必须用于就地升级。通过插入 DVD 与 Windows 7 测试版,并且执行安装,用户将看到在此屏幕上的升级选项:通过选择升级选项,将保留文件、 设置和程序。在就地升级供消费者使用,并支持从 Windows Vista 服务包 1 或更新的操作系统升级。在就地升级 Windows 7 测试版中的不提供对 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 发布-生产 (无服务包 1) 操作系统的支持。本指南介绍了您的移动文件和设置从操作系统不支持在就地升级的选项或选项来执行干净安装的 Windows 7 测试版到现有硬件与 Windows XP、 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 beta 版已经安装,同时保留和迁移的文件和设置,构成该硬件上的用户的配置文件的那些。本指南中的步骤将不迁移程序或应用程序从旧操作系统到 Windows 7 测试版。本文档旨在为 IT 专业人员与有限的部署基础结构或自动化专业知识,主要从零售 Dvd 安装或操作系统文件在 DVD 或 ISO 介质内所载。更多高级的部署和图像的自定义方案,请参阅 Microsoft 部署工具包或操作系统部署功能作为 Microsoft 系统中心配置管理器 2007 年的一部分。注意 • 的完整视图的 Windows 7 的资源、 文章、 演示、 和指导,请访问 Windows 7 的跳板系列为 Windows 客户端技术中心。• Web 版的这份文件,请参阅 Windows XP 的 Windows 7 硬链接用户迁移文件和设置 Windows 7 技术库中。

  英格兰中部的埃文河Stratford小 镇,被认为是世界文学巨匠威廉•莎士比亚的故乡。

  The Stratford town, near the Avon river in the central part of England ,was considered the hometown of Shakespear who is a giant in the world of literature.


  There is a beautiful river in the town,on which are many swans,wild ducks,yachts;On the riverbank are tall trees,sculptures,flowers.

  秋风拂面,秋雨蒙 蒙,天空中不时有成群的大雁排成人字形向南飞去。

  The autumn wind breezes over faces ,and the autumn rain drizzles.The crowds of wild geese,from time to time,are flying over to the South,in the shape of the Chinese character"人(ren-the rise tone)" in the sky.

  小镇依河而建,镇中心道路宽敞,房屋整齐,除以莎翁或莎剧人物命名的各种商店外,昂贵的名牌店也很多,显 示出小镇的繁荣富庶。

  The river was built along the river.The road is broad and the house is well organised in the downtown.Aside from all kinds of stores named after Shakespear or the characters in the works of Shakespears,there are many shops of famous brand which shows the prosperity and richness of the town.


  "The town make a great difference compared to the realm,atmosphere odor and voice in the past when Shakespear was born."said on the website.

  如今,小镇每年接待的游客多 达150万人次,据说仅次于伦敦。

  So far,the travelling capacity of the town is as much as the number of 1.500.000 ,which only seconds to London.

  Stratford 一个充满历史印痕并安详宁静的小镇,漫步在埃文(AVON)河畔与成群的白天鹅为伴,一股创作的灵感悠然而生, 仿佛看见了几百年前莎士比亚坐在河边构思他下一篇巨作德场景,心中悠然而生一股对伟人的敬意。。。

  Stratford is a town steeped in history and peace.If rambling by the Avon river and mated by swans,there comes some kind of inspirations to write.It seems that you saw the image that Shakespear were making an outline for his next masterpiece hundreds of years ago.


  He is classic and graceful.He stands out more in a good mood against the pleasing and confortable natural views.


  Hundreds of years had past,he looks the people in the modern city and still reminisce his colorful time in the past.

  The translation is just for your reference only!


  • 17824681330"帮我翻译一下"用英语怎么说呀?
    栾英劳常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

  • 17824681330帮我翻译一下是什么意思

  • 17824681330帮忙翻译一下英语单词
    栾英劳actress n. 女演员; 女表演者 add :1. 加,增,添,追加,附加;获得 2. 增加 3. 又说;补充说 4. 作加法 5. 加算,累积 n.1. 加法 adult :n.1. 成人,大人 2. 长成体 adj.1. 成年的 2. 成熟的;理智的 3. 成人的;儿童不宜的 4. 成熟的 advertisement ...

  • 17824681330帮忙翻译一下
    栾英劳翻译如下:Excuse me,Can you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮我吗?Sure.当然。How can I get to the science Museum?我怎么能到科学博物馆呢?It's over there.在那边。Thanks.谢谢。Oh,Where is Robin? 啊,罗宾在哪?重点词汇:Excuse me:英 [iksˈkju:z mi:] 美 [ɪk&#...

  • 17824681330帮忙翻译成英文一下!!!急求…
    栾英劳我们每天早上6:30上课,晚上10:00放学,We begin our class at 6:30 in the morning and school is over at 10:00 in the evening.中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are 2 hours for us to have a rest and we have a night off on Sunday evening...

  • 17824681330帮忙翻译成英语一下,谢谢啦、
    栾英劳last year.来看看我的新电脑。我是一个月前买的。Come here, see, I bought my new computer last month.我也想买台这样的电脑。 Wow, I also want to buy this type of computer!相信我 这绝对是纯正的口语 我在荷兰留学 莫子兰那个翻译的还行 但是babeg 一看就是软件翻译的 good luck ...

  • 17824681330帮忙翻译一下,高人来
    栾英劳1. put off doing \/delay doing 耽搁做某事 2. out of work 失业 3. be determined to do … 决定做某事 4. second-hand 二手的 5. be concerned about …. 关心,挂念 6. give away 汇露,失去,赠予 7. drop out 离开,退出,掉出 8. be aware of 知道 9. be rude to …. ...

  • 17824681330请帮我翻译一下
    栾英劳I went to Dalian last summer vacation.去年暑假我去了大连玩。Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is very close to Beijing. I spent 50 minutes on the plane.大连是一座美丽的城市,大连离北京很近。我在飞机上花了50分钟。Dalian is near the sea. I smell the saltiness in the air. ...

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    栾英劳It has the same shape, not as the size.形状是一样的,但尺寸不一样.It can be organized in many kinds of shape.它可以组成不同的形状.As we all konw,People can played Wood-Toys in many way It is still suit for the baby who more than over 9 months It can enable them to ...

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    栾英劳I the kindergarten baby who was at to me have carried on the sample investigation according to this topic, its analysis result indicated, these babies exist comparatively generally ...翻译结果3:I have carried on the sample investigation to the baby who in kindergarten I was at acco...

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