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Visible, in psychological health education for young children, to make it a healthy psychological and can adapt to the future society needs a new generation, is placed in front of us a new topic.

星光大道是由南加州艺术家奥立佛·威斯慕拉(Oliver Weismuller)於1958年肇建,他为市政府所雇用,目的是让好莱坞「形象提升」。

Avenue of Stars by Southern California artists威斯慕拉Oliver (Oliver Weismuller) in 1958肇建, he was employed by the city government is to allow the Hollywood "image upgrade."

星光大道沿著好莱坞大道自东边的高尔街(Gower Street)延伸至西边的拉布雷亚大道(La Brea Avenue),然後顺著丝兰街(Yucca Street)与日落大道(Sunset Boulevard)之间的藤街由北向南推进

Avenue of Stars along the east side of Hollywood Boulevard from Gower Street (Gower Street) extending to the west of La Brea Avenue, (La Brea Avenue), then follow the Yucca Street (Yucca Street) and Sunset Boulevard (Sunset Boulevard) between Street, north to south of the rattan to promote

According to this subject, I am a sample of kindergarten children, their analysis showed that these children are more prevalent there........... ...
I the kindergarten baby who was at to me have carried on the sample investigation according to this topic, its analysis result indicated, these babies exist comparatively generally ..............
I have carried on the sample investigation to the baby who in kindergarten I was at according to this topic, its results analysis showed that these babies quite generally exist ..............
Based on this subject I have young children of the kindergarten where I conducted a sample survey, the analysis showed that these young children are more widespread ..............

According to this topic,I carried out the samples survey to the children in which the kindergarten I worked,the analytical results showed that these children were common to have the problem with。。。。

According to this topic in my kindergarten children were investigated, the results show that, these children is widespread


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