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Why should we keep a good mood? Because a good mood can promote people work and learn, improve the quality of people's lives. Conducive to physical and mental health. Keep a good mood should be kept a sense of humor and have a wide range of interests, and also should be friendly with people, and more to share the fun with others. Good mood can make us feel more happier.

Fog belongs to compound pollution, pollution sources including coal, automobile exhaust, industrial waste gas, building dust, etc., is one of the biggest pollution emissions coal and gas, coal, mainly used in construction of the coal for heating and air conditioning.Effective control of building energy consumption is to reduce the fog haze, one of the key steps to improve air quality, if you don't pay attention to the building energy efficiency, building energy consumption will happen in the future the problem of excessive, ceaseless overlay, very bad for the environment.

你们假期太多了吧…You have a long vaction.
一年四季你们都放除秋天不放假外…We have vacations every season except autumn.
我们每天早上6:30上课,晚上10:00放学,We begin our class at 6:30 in the morning and school is over at 10:00 in the evening.
中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are 2 hours for us to have a rest and we have a night off on Sunday evening. We have a short vacation once a month.
今天下午吃饭和同桌跑到学校外面买饭弄的上课还迟到了…This afternoon I went out of the school to get food with my deskmate but we were late for class.
原来你不喜欢学校是因为学校里的人…You say you don't like school. I think that's because you don't like the people in school.
你不喜欢吵闹么…那你平常喜欢干什么?Don't you like making noises? What do you like to do?
对了,你读几年级?Oh, by the way, what grade are you in?
过几天朋友18岁生日,你说送什么礼物好呢? It's my friend's birthday in a few days, can you tell me what gift I shall get for him/her ?


You holidays too much...
Throughout the year you will put fall not off...
We at 6:30 a.m. every day in class, night school 10:00am, noon have a two hour rest time, every Saturday afternoon put a night, a month put a second month false.
Today afternoon meals and sit at the same table run to school outside buy rice make class also late...
So you don't like school because school...
You don't like the noisy yao...
That you normally like to do?
Yes, what grade are you in?
In a few days friends 18 years old of birthday, you said that the gifts?



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