
来自:喜看    更新日期:早些时候

he was late for the meeting , everyone focused on him.
his mother confined him to go out,for his homework was not finished.
the doctor suggestted us not to expose too much skin to the sun-shine.
4.尽管多年没见面,他的笑容仍然常常浮现在我的脑海中。(come to mind)
although we've not seen for many years,his smile still often comes to mind.
please keep those animals away,that's dangerous.
look!the person who you are looking for is coming.
we didn't go home until it's late.
the earthquake was just happened and the flood happens again.
as soon as that student saw the foreigner,he turned back and went away.
we will just kown the importance of English ,after we gradute from school.

She is content with her present work.
Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.
3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)
Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart.
4.他再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去看医生。(put up with)
As he couldn't put up with his toothache any more, he went to the dentist's.
In management, it's a hard job to appraise one's work.
If you had come to the party yesterday, I would have surely seen you.
If you do that again, you shall be punished.
A good student will never cut classes/play truant.
If we had got up earlier, we would have arrived in Beijing yesterday.
If only she were with me.

1.刚来到这所学校时,我感到不适应。It just came to the school, I was not suited.
2.那件衬衣非常适合他。 Shirts that are very suitable for him.
3.她轻轻地走进房子,生怕弄醒了家人。 She gently into the house, for fear that the family wake.
4.我想不出该如何答复他。I can not think of how to answer him.
5.随着电脑的发展,有朝一日它将会取代电视。With the development of the computer, it will one day replace television.
6.我对他一无所知,只知道他住在隔壁。I know nothing about him, only know that he lives next door.
7.他没有告诉杰西卡他要结婚的消息。He did not tell her he wanted to get married.
8.我不记得经理要你做什么事。I do not want you to remember that managers do.
9.露西的去留问题我们还没有讨论呢。Lucy's future is something we have not discussed it.
10.他需要的是经验。He needs is experience

1.While just coming to this school, I felt incompatible.
2.That shirt suits him very much.
3.She comes into the house gently because she afraids to wake her family up.
4.I can not find out how to answer him.
5.With the development of computer, computer will replace the TV some day.
6.I know nothing about him, only know that he lives in the next door.
7.He has not told Jessica the news that he is going to marry.
8.I do not remember what manager wants you to do.
9.We have not discussed Lucy's question of going or stay yet.
10.What he needs is experience.

1. I felt unaccommodated when I first came to the school.
2. That Shirt suits him well.
3. She gently went into the house, for fear to wake her family.
4. I can not think of how to answer him.
5. With the development of the computer, it will one day replace television.
6. I know nothing about him, only except that he lives next door.
7. He did not tell Jessica he would get married.
8. I do not remember the manager wanted you to do.
9. The issue about Lucy's leave or stay has not been discussed by us.
10.What he needs is experience.


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