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1.Childhood obesity in America 美国儿童的肥胖问题,
2. will continue it’s rapid growth 会继续快速增长 it's 要变为its
3.until we control the consumption of junk food and processed food while educating ourselves and our children on living a healthy, active lifestyle 直到当我们教育我们自己和我们的孩子以健康、积极的方式生活,从而控制垃圾食品和加工食品的消费时
4.while educating ourselves and our children on living a healthy, active lifestyle是时间状语从句中的时间状语

저는 염애정이에요.지난주에 감기때문에 숙제를 못해서 정말 죄송해요.
지금은 몸이 괜찮아요.(지금은 몸이 괜찮아졌어요.)
过去式 应该用这个比较好

선생님께서 음악을 좋아하신다는 말씀을 듣고,그래서 제가 팝송을 추천해 드립자고 합니다.노래 제목이 이에요. 저는 선생님께서 이 노래를 좋아해 줄 수 있기를 바래요. ^ - ^


My friend Mark came to Shenzhen to see me.He let(过去式)me...I felt a little sick ....At 12 AM....He has waited for... a few minutes later, I brought him to my house. He compained to me .."It cost 50 yuan to take a taxi here from the airport.

Last Friday,I had a ridiculous day.My best friend Mark would come to Shenzhen to see me.He asked me to meet him at the airport. I was very
excited. But on the morning of that day,I felt a little sick and I was pretty busy.At 12 a.m,Mark called me.He had been waiting for 10 minutes downstairs!“Oh,my God1I comoletely forgot it.”I shouted.After a few minutes,I brought him to my house.He complained to me "Everything is so expensive in Shenzhen.It cost me 50 yuan to be here by taxi from the airport.".

Last Friday,I had a ridiculous day.my friend Mark came to ShenZhen to visit me, He asked me to meet him at the airport. I was so excited, sinc Mark is my best friend. On Friday morning, I felt a little sick and I was also pretty busy.Around 12 PM, Mark called me, and he said he was waiting for about 10 minutes downstairs of my office."Oh, my God!I completely forgot it",I shouted. After a few minutes,I brought him to my house.He complained to me that everthing is so expensive in ShenZhen. It costed him 50 yuan to take taxi from airport to my office.


Last Friday, I had a miserable day.
My friend, Mark, came to Shenzhen to see me. He asked me to meet him at the airport. Mark is my best friend and I was very excited to see him.
In Friday morning, I was a little sick and was very tied up.
At 12 PM, Mark phoned me and said that he had been waiting for me for 10 minutes in front of my house. I screamed, "Oh my God! I have forgotten completely!"
After a few minutes, I brought him up to my home. He yelled to me that everything in Shenzhen was so expensive. It costed RMB 50 to take him by taxi from airport to my house.

Last Friday was ridiculous to me, because my best best friend Mark has planned to come and see me, and desiring my pickup at the airport for him. I was very excited by this new.

On Friday morning, I was sick slightly and pretty busy. Until Mark called me at 12 pm that he had been waiting me for ten minutes downstairs.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot it." I shouted. After a few minutes, I brought him to my house and was complained by him, "Everything is so expensive in Shenzhen that I was costed 50 yuan to here by taxi from airport."


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