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麻烦给看一下这篇文章有没有语法错误 谢谢~~

In my opinion, love is everywhere, whether in reality or network, there is love. But different people have different opinions about love; the key point to love is mainly to see how you treat it. I think to love a person have to trust each other and mutual understanding, to respect each other's thoughts and differences. Someone says that love is not forever, but I don’t think so. We have a long time to love, because we can protect our loves, just like Vingo's wife in the text. She is a nice woman, when her husband was in jail, she didn’t give up, and brought up their children by herself. I think we can use one word to describe her -- great. And from these, we can recognize how great their love is. So I think the true love is never give up.

Please institute the following changes:

1. Kunming's streets were very crowded.
2. There were many policemen (on the streets perhaps?)
3. Firstly
4. Uncle and aunt.
5. Since the roads were very crowded, it took us twenty minutes to cross the streets.
6. When we arrived at the house, we were so tired that we did not visit any other place.
7. My aunt is a good wife.
8. On the second day...
9. Then, we rode on the small boat to visit the lake.
10. There were many activities in the expo park, there were very interesting. It is a very beautiful and famous site in Yunnan.
11. We were very sad that we couldn't stay there for a long time. However, I was very happy to have visited Kunming.

主要是时态 和一些句子不完整 有些地方有点别扭 下面是我改的:
Look, I don't know where to start. When we first met, I couldn't have imagined how good the things are going now. It is too good to be true. My happiness is getting closer and closer to me gradually. Whenever I think of that scene I feel very happy. What about you? Are you happy? I'll remember every word you've ever said to me.Because that is the most precious gift I received. I have the capacity to love many people. But you are and will always be the one I love the most. The passage will end here.There aren't many words but it's sufficient to express my feelings which you can experience through my words.



  • 15369979228麻烦大家帮我看一下这篇文章有什么语法错误吗
    鬱聪敬答:Look, I don't know where to start. When we first met, I couldn't have imagined how good the things are going now. It is too good to be true. My happiness is getting closer and closer to me gradually. Whenever I think of that scene I feel very happy. What about you?

  • 15369979228大家帮我看看这篇作文写得怎么样

  • 15369979228请大家帮我帮我看看这篇文章,帮我修改一下。在帮我想个结尾。

  • 15369979228谁能帮我介绍一下这篇文章的内容?

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    鬱聪敬答:2、not idiomatic。我不知道该怎么形容你的这个问题,但如果你在托福考场写这篇文章,你的评语里面80%会有这个词。比如:A person is incomplete。这个句子我没看懂,你是想表达“人生不完整”呢?还是想表达“人格不健全”呢?无论你想表达哪一个含义,我敢说老外是一定看不懂的。也许你可以说成是...

  • 15369979228紧急...帮我看看这篇文章有没有什么语法错误。谢谢~!
    鬱聪敬答:voices and laughter.此句不通。(我也没看明白啥意思,汗)The time has gone, 不是was。第四段, After growing up, we have become busy. 之后是as what it looked like。其他的中式英语的地方蛮多的,不过要是再改动就完全不是你的作文了。如果是初中,高中,这样一篇就算不错了吧。

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    鬱聪敬答:1、long long ago,一般指很久之前,用于此处意思不妥。建议改为:several years ago等。2、i was walking to home from school. 应去掉to,步行回家应翻译为walk home,to是副词。3、i was walking to home from school. suddenly i saw a woman in front of me。这两句话最好合并为一句,...

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