
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1.You must start working at once.
2.I hope I called you before.
3.This is a safe place for us .

1.The young will sometimes complain it's impossible to communicate with their parents.
2.Mary has been looking foward to take up residence in a village in Yunnan for several years since she was very young, now, her dream comes true eventually.
3.Animals brought up domestic are used to dependent on humans, therefore it's hard to survive on when in field.
4.He was touched by a sense of fear all of sudden, in that he might be overtaken by the company because of its dead-alive finance.
5.i figure he will be back soon, since he promised to have supper with me.


I think my parents will not prevent me from trying in this way/having a try with the idea.
Would you like some friut,please?
Keeping our city clean is everyone's duty.
Uncle Wang kept/prevented LinTao from swimming in the river.

1. I don't think my parents will stop me to try out this idea.
2. Would you have some fruit, please?
3. It's the responsibility of every one of us to keep the city clean and tidy.
4. Uncle Wang stopped Lin Tao swimming in the river.

I don't think my parents would stop me from trying this idea.

Please have some fruit,ok?

it's everybody's responsibility to keep our city clean

uncle Wang prevent LinTao from swimming in the river


1.I think my parents will not stop me from trying this idea.
2.Will you eat some fruits?
3.It is everyone's duty to keep the city clean.
4.Uncle Wang prevent Lin Tao from swimming in the river.

xuan shang fen!


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