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谁能帮我把这段演讲稿翻译成英文 多谢~

  女士们先生们,感谢有这个机会让我站在这里。今天,我想和大家谈论一部励志电影:海上钢琴师(the legend of 1900)。
  Ladies and Gentlemen: thank you all for giving me this chance. Today, I want to discuss an example of movies which may encourage us to become a better person. The movie I bring to you is: the legend of 1900.
  1900年的第一天,在纽约刚靠岸的邮轮维珍尼亚号,添煤工人Danny Boodman拾到了一个被乘客遗弃的婴儿,他将婴儿命名为1900,以纪念这孩子在新世纪的第一天被他收养。
  直到八岁时Danny Boodman去世,1900才开始接触音乐,并在21天之内,奇迹般地学会了演奏钢琴。
  It was first day of the year1900. Aboard the vessel Virginia in New York, Danny Boodman, worker on the ship, came by an abandoned baby. The baby was named 1900 in remembrance of his being adopted on the first day of the century. Not until the age of eight, when Danny Boodman was by that time dead, did1900 start to come in contact with music. Miraculously, he achieved the deed of learning to play the piano in 21 days.
  A few years later, when 1900 had reached adulthood, he became the pianist of the orchestra on the Virginia. He met the seasick Max on a particularly rough voyage through a fierce windstorm. Incidentally, they were agreeable every aspect and became bosom friends. After some time, 1900 became a true pianist. Notwithstanding the fact that he had never once set his foot off the vessel, he had become famous.
  接受了爵士乐的始祖Jelly Roll Morto的挑战并最终战胜了他,让1900名声大噪,但他仍然执拗的不肯下船登上陆地,因为对1900而言,世人向往的生活太过遥远。
  Accepting Jelly Roll Morto’s challenge, he defeated the foremost jazz musician. Thus done, fame had reached a height never before mounted. Yet not once did he venture to go on land. To 1900, the life of everyday people is too far fetched for him.
  Not until he had met the girl whom he fell in love with at first glance did he finally overcame his self esteem and took a step nearer to know what he himself never knew. On the planks of the ship he observed the elephantine city of New York. It took away his courage and he turned his back on the city, saying to Max: I shall never go off this ship.
  And he kept his words. In the whole span of his lifetime, he never once left the comforts of the ship. Many years later when the war was at its end, his life ended on the bombed and sinking Virginia.
  1900 had shown me what life is without the lures of wealth and fame, natural, simple, yet something which as unlikely as the existence of such a person. He knows nothing beside his music and his absolute absorbency in it.
  Undoubtedly, he is a genius; he chose his own imaginary world to live in than the world of humans. “I would rather give up my life than to live in a never-ending world. I gave up on the journey to land, not because I see, but because I could not observe……” At least, he chose his own way of the world. Beautiful and free was the music he played from over the 88 keys of the piano. It was music that filled his pure and simple life. Aren’t we, living in a different world from 1900, a world filled with pressure and pain, living for somebody else? There are some things that we have ample power to reach but did not treasure their value. Therefore we have missed a lot of the beauty life offers.
  After looking at this film, we should think more of ourselves. We waste away our life in this world full of money and greed. Ask yourself, deep down in your heart, what we live for, how we live our lives and the reason of our being alive. It shows us: we could live without a god, but we must have a belief.
  电影中最为人称道的电影片段无疑是1900和Jelly Roll Morto斗琴的一部分,尤其是1900最后演奏的一首“无穷动”(enduring movement),这首曲子全部是钢琴黑键弹奏的,也就是全是半音演奏,需要极高的钢琴技巧才能弹奏。主演蒂姆•罗斯(Tim
  The part when 1900 was challenged by Jelly Roll Morto is the best of the film is agreed without quarrel. The climax is when 1900 played his last piece: enduring movement, a piece which is played solely on the black keys, (in other words half-notes), and require the best of skills in piano playing. Tim Roth, being a professional actor, does not posses the ability of playing the piano so well. It is down to technology to enhance the effects of the last part of the challenge. Next, lets listen to this enduring movement, by 1900. thanks.

i will win the whole world one day
i will get my pay back one day

i will keep fighting one day
the one who cherish me is real.


i will make blood of gold and rice.
give you glory
my lover, i never let you down

although your waiting seems no ending .

the truth will be told one day

all the sweats will be worthy.


人生一世,就好比是一次搭车旅行,要经历无数次上车、下车; 时常有事故发生; 有时是意外惊喜,有时却是刻骨铭心的悲伤……
Life is just like a train journey. People get on and then get off. There are always somthing happening that make people happy or sad.
We get on the train the moment we are born. And we assume the first two people we meet---our father and mother, will be by our side forever.
Pity that the fact is quite the opposite. They will get off at a stop, leaving us behind and helpless. Their love and affection can never be found again, as well as their irreplaceable company. However, there are others that remain beside us, and some of them would have special meaning for our lives. Among them are our brothers and sisters and friends. And we shall experience love stories that will last forever.
In the train, some travel with an easy mind but some with great sadness...and some, running here and there, are always ready to help anyone in need...
很多人下车后,其它旅客对他们的回忆历久弥新… …但是,也有一些人,当他们离开座位时,却没有人察觉。有时候,对你来说,情深义重的旅伴却坐到了另一节车厢。你只得远离他,继续你的旅程。
Many people get off and still leave a vivid impression on others who remain on...But there are also people that leave without being noticed.
Sometimes, one of your companions who have significant meaning for you may get seated in another carriage. You have to continue your journey without him.
Of course you can stagger across your own carriage to his to find him...but it's a pity that you can never again sit beside him because there is already somebody else by his side...Never mind. The journey is full of challenge, dream, hope, departure... anyting but a second chance. So do your best to enjoy your journey!
Treat all the people you meet well and find their virtue.
Remember, during the journey, some people may stray or falter because we ourselves may stray or falter too, and we should understand others because we ourselves also need to be understood.

The train of life

Not long ago, I read a book. In the book to life than making a trip.
I life, like a car travel, to experience numerous times on the train, get off; there is always the story; sometimes a pleasant surprise, they are sometimes deep sorrow ... ...

Born dead, we got into the train of life. We thought we were the first to see that two people ------ our parents, life will always accompany us.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.

They will get off at a particular station in life, leaving us alone. Their love, their feelings, they can not be replaced accompanied, no longer looking for.
Despite this, there will be other people on the train. Some of them we will have a special significance.

They are our brothers and sisters, our friends and family. We also will experience the age-old immortal love story.
Take the train to the same people, and some travel easily.
But some with deep sorrow ... ...

There are, in the bustle around on the train, ready to help those in need ... ...
Many people get off, the other passengers on their memories of the good old ... ...

However, there are some people, when they leave the seat, no one noticed.
Sometimes, you just love re-sit is a fellow traveler of the other cars.

You had to stay away from him, to continue your journey

Of course, on the road, you can also staggered through its own compartment, the other to train with him ... ...
Unfortunately, you can no longer sit next to him, because this position has been to allow other people to account for ... ...
Journey full of challenges, dreams, hopes, the separation is no turning back ... ....
As a result, as far as possible to make it a very enjoyable trip!
Met on the road to treat all visitors to find the people who Moments.
Always keep in mind that for a certain period of the journey, some people may hesitate at a loss because we would hesitate at a loss.
We have to understand others, because we understand the needs of others.
Life is a mystery:

Where we get off?

Partner sitting beside him where to get off?

Our friends where to get off?

We have no way of knowing ... ...
I often think:
I have to get off the course, I will not nostalgia?
I think I will.

My friend and separation, the pain I will.
Let my children alone before, I will sorrow.

I am dedicated to all of us want to have to reach the terminal, we will meet ... ...
My children, when no baggage, if I can pack in their memories, I would be happy.
I get off, and my fellow passengers are still remember me, miss me, I would be happy.

Dedicated to my life on the same train,
My friend!
Bon voyage!


人生一世,就好比是一次搭车旅行,要经历无数次上车、下车; 时常有故事发生; 有时是意外惊喜,有时却是刻骨铭心的悲伤… …



他们之中有我们的兄弟姐妹, 有我们的亲朋好友。我们还将会体验千古不朽的爱情故事。
有的却带着深深的悲哀… …

还有的,在列车上四处奔忙,随时准备帮助有需要的人… …
很多人下车后,其他旅客对他们的回忆历久弥新… …



当然,在旅途中,你也可以摇摇晃晃地穿过自己的车厢,去别的车厢找他… …
可惜,你再也无法坐在他身旁,因为这个位置已经让别人给占了… ...
旅途充满挑战、梦想、希望、离别… … 就是不能回头。




我们无从知晓… …


我执著地希望在我们大家都要到达的那个终点站,我们还会相聚… …

献给, 我生命列车上的同行者,

The train of life

Not long ago, I read a book. In the book to life than making a trip.
I life, like a car travel, to experience numerous times on the train, get off; there is always the story; sometimes a pleasant surprise, they are sometimes deep sorrow ... ...

Born dead, we got into the train of life. We thought we were the first to see that two people ------ our parents, life will always accompany us.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.

They will get off at a particular station in life, leaving us alone. Their love, their feelings, they can not be replaced accompanied, no longer looking for.
Despite this, there will be other people on the train. Some of them we will have a special significance.

They are our brothers and sisters, our friends and family. We also will experience the age-old immortal love story.
Take the train to the same people, and some travel easily.
But some with deep sorrow ... ...

There are, in the bustle around on the train, ready to help those in need ... ...
Many people get off, the other passengers on their memories of the good old ... ...

However, there are some people, when they leave the seat, no one noticed.
Sometimes, you just love re-sit is a fellow traveler of the other cars.

You had to stay away from him, to continue your journey

Of course, on the road, you can also staggered through its own compartment, the other to train with him ... ...
Unfortunately, you can no longer sit next to him, because this position has been to allow other people to account for ... ...
Journey full of challenges, dreams, hopes, the separation is no turning back ... ....
As a result, as far as possible to make it a very enjoyable trip!
Met on the road to treat all visitors to find the people who Moments.
Always keep in mind that for a certain period of the journey, some people may hesitate at a loss because we would hesitate at a loss.
We have to understand others, because we understand the needs of others.
Life is a mystery:

Where we get off?

Partner sitting beside him where to get off?

Our friends where to get off?

We have no way of knowing ... ...
I often think:
I have to get off the course, I will not nostalgia?
I think I will.

My friend and separation, the pain I will.
Let my children alone before, I will sorrow.

I am dedicated to all of us want to have to reach the terminal, we will meet ... ...
My children, when no baggage, if I can pack in their memories, I would be happy.
I get off, and my fellow passengers are still remember me, miss me, I would be happy.

Dedicated to my life on the same train,
My friend!
Bon voyage!

Life train
Recent past, I read a book.In the book compares with the life a travel. Life th, is just like is one time travels by vehicle the travel, must experience innumerably time boards, the landing; Often has the story occurrence; Sometimes is the accident is pleasantly surprised, sometimes actually is remembers with eternal gratitude sadly… Is born the world, we rode the life train.We thought we saw first that two people------Our parents, can accompany us continuously in the pilgrimage. Very regrettable, the fact is not true. They can in the life some station landing, leave behind us, lonely no use to.Their love, their sentiment, they cannot be substituted accompanying, also without knowing where to begin seeks again. For all this, but also can have other people to board.In the middle of them some people have to us the special significance. In them has our brothers the sisters, has our relatives and friends.We will also be able to experience the eternity immortal love story. Rides the identical bus service in the middle of human, some relaxed travel. Some is bringing actually deeply sorrowful… Also some, in all directions rushes about on the train, prepares to help as necessary to have the need person… Many after very people got out, other passengers for a long time make up to their recollection calendar newly… But, also has some people, when they leave the seat, actually nobody detection. Sometimes, asked for leniency to you the deep righteousness heavy traveling companion actually to sit another compartment. You have to are far away him, continues your journey. Certainly, in the journey, you also may pass through own shakily compartment, goes to other compartment to ask his… to be a pity, you also are unable to sit again in his one's side, because this position already let others for occupy… … The journey fill challenge, the dream, the hope, leaves… cannot turn head. Therefore, causes the journey happily as far as possible! Handle kindlies all passengers who in the journey meets, discovers on the people body the flashing temperature. Forever remembers, in some section of journeys, some people can hesitate paces back and forth, because we also can hesitate pace back and forth. We must understand other people, because we need other people understanding. Riddle of the life is: We in what place landing? What place landing sits in the one's side companion in? Our friend in what place landing? We know… me often like this to think without knowing where to begin that, Should got out to me, I can be reluctant to part with? I thought I am the meeting. With the friend of mine separation, I meet the pain. Let my child lonely vanguard, I can be sad. I rigid hoped all must arrive that terminal in our everybody, we also can poly… my children board when do not have what baggage, if I can leave behind the happy recollection in theirs travel bag, I will feel happiness. After I got out, travels together the passengers with me all also to be able to remember me, thinks of me, I felt is pleased. Gives to, on my life train colleague, friend of mine! The journey is happy!


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