
来自:笑说    更新日期:早些时候

The first half of the match was just finished. The score was 44: 55. We were 11 points behind. Though we fell behind, we were still confident about the second half and talked about the strategy change- from defence to attack. At the beginning of the second half, I grape the ball from a player of the opposite team and carried forwards very fast… With the cooperation of my team players, we scored a three-point shot! Then again! The situation had changed. We had high morale but still were vigilant to defend and tried to avoid errors and fouls. Very soon, the score reached 77:78. There was 1 minute and 1 second left for the match. According to the strategy we decided beforehand, the centre at outline block off the defence from the opposition and I broke in to lay-up and force a foul. Then the penalty was awarded to us. I took a deep breath, calmed down and shot. It’s in! The game was over. We wan the game of Basketball for High School Grade Three by 80 to 78. We were immersed in the joy of victory and cheers.


从此以后,这个神秘的生客经常到大使馆来。如果有人能进去窥看那紧闭着门的大使办公室,他会看见这个高贵的法国大官正和一个穿普通衣服的人在亲密交谈。这个人是姆拉诺岛上一家杂货铺的老板。这个大官和这个杂货铺老板谈的是什么,谁也不 知道。


hi everybody, I am a student in class 5 grade 4. My eyes are small and clevr, and my ears are big. I like English very much!
look! I have got a photo, the boy on the photo is my cousin. He is 8 years old now. He is a student in grade 2 in primary school. His hair is black and bright, eyes are small too. look at him, he is reading with relish, by the way, he is a bookworm, like reading especially.
one day, I and my cousin was walking in the park. when we were across the bookstore,just a moment,I didn't see him .Actually, he was reading books in bookstore. this is my cousin,do you like him?

嗨,大家好! Dr.eye: Hey, everybody is good! 我是四年级五班的学生,我长着一双小而机灵的眼睛,还有一对特别大的耳朵;我非常喜欢英语。 Dr.eye: I am a student of class five, grade four, I have a pair of small and clever eyes, there is the couple very big ears; I like English very much.
看! Dr.eye: See! 我有一张图片,图片上的小男孩是我的表弟,他今年八岁,是小学二年级的学生,他长着一头乌黑发亮的头发,也有一对小小的眼睛。 Dr.eye: I have a picture, the little boy on the picture is my cousin, he is eight years old this year, is second grade primary school students, he has the pitch-black and shiny hair, has a pair of small eyes too. 瞧! Dr.eye: Look! 他正在津津 有味地看书;对了,我的表弟是一个小书迷,特别爱看书。 Dr.eye: He is reading with relish; Oh yes, my cousin is a little storyteller's fan, like reading very much.
记得有一次,我和表弟去公园玩,路过书店,过了一会儿,我猛然发现表弟不见了,其实呢,他正在书店看书呢! Dr.eye: Remember that there is once, cousin and I go to the park to play, pass by the bookstore, after a while, I find suddenly the cousin has disappeared, in fact, he is reading in the bookstore! 这就是我的表弟,你们喜欢他吗? Dr.eye: This is my cousin, do you like him?

Hey, everybody is good! I am a student of class five, grade four, I have a pair of small and clever eyes, there is the couple very big ears; I like English very much.
See! I have a picture, the little boy on the picture is my cousin, he is eight years old this year, is second grade primary school students, he has the pitch-black and shiny hair, has a pair of small eyes too. Look! He is reading with relish; Oh yes, my cousin is a little storyteller's fan, like reading very much.
Remember that there is once, cousin and I go to the park to play, pass by the bookstore, after a while, I find suddenly the cousin has disappeared, in fact, he is reading in the bookstore!This is my cousin, do you like him

看!我有一张图片,图片上的小男孩是我的表弟,他今年八岁,是小学二年级的学生,他长着一头乌黑发亮的头发,也有一对小小的眼睛。瞧!他正在津津 有味地看书;对了,我的表弟是一个小书迷,特别爱看书。
记得有一次,我和表弟去公园玩,路过书店,过了一会儿,我猛然发现表弟不见了,其实呢,他正在书店看书呢! 这就是我的表弟,你们喜欢他吗?
翻译:Hi, everybody! I am grade four class 5 students, I have a pair of small sharp eyes and ears and a pair of, I like English very much.
Look! I have a picture of the little boy is my cousin, he was eight years old this year, is the second grade students, with black hair, and bright has small eyes. Look! He is reading; relish -- My cousin is a small fans, special love reading.
Remember once, I go to the park with my Cousins, passing bookstore, after a while, I suddenly found cousin disappeared, actually, he is bookstore reading! This is my cousin, do you like him?

Hi, everybody! I am grade four class 5 students, I have a pair of small sharp eyes and ears and a pair of, I like English very much.
Look! I have a picture of the little boy is my cousin, he was eight years old this year, is the second grade students, with black hair, and bright has small eyes. Look! He is reading; relish -- My cousin is a small fans, special love reading.
Remember once, I go to the park with my Cousins, passing bookstore, after a while, I suddenly found cousin disappeared, actually, he is bookstore reading! This is my cousin, do you like him?

1楼翻译的虽然很简单,但是比2楼强多了,还grade four class 5(后面就懒得看了),不要误导小学生啊~~

翻译结果:Hey, everyone! I am a fourth grade five students, I am long a small and clever pair of eyes, there is a particularly large ears; I like English.

Look! I have a picture, picture of the little boy is my cousin, his eight-year-old, second-grade primary school student, he was a long shiny black hair, there are a pair of small eyes. Look! He is to read with relish; right, my cousin is a small avid reader, especially love books.

Remember that on one occasion, I and a cousin to the park to play, pass by the bookstore, after a while, I suddenly found missing cousin, in fact, he is reading this book! This is my cousin, you like him?

祝你好运!~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


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