
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1 The room is full of darkness except for a lim beam at the corner.
2 His success has something to do with his hard work.
3 This city's development of economy also brings about a social problem: the worse traffic condition.
4 Compared with other students, that girl has more good command of English listening and speaking.
5 This photogragh reminds me the days for our summer camp.

He is an American scholar.

The professors do this research together with other scientists.

They've obtained much experience from this study.

She ought to let us take a look at the official documents.

This is the responsibility of every citizen.

Can you dress up as Santa Claus this Christmas?

What is your favorite holiday? Dragon Boat Festival. Why? Because I like to eat dumplings(也可以直接用zongzi)

What will you do in the Mid-Autumn Festival ? We will eat a big meal

Why Millie like Thanksgiving? Because it can eat turkey that day.

Let us celebrate the New Year to you!


You can dress up as Santa Claus this Christmas?
What is your favorite holiday, what is? Dragon Boat Festival. Why? Because I like to eat dumplings
In the Mid-Autumn Festival will you do? We will eat a big meal
Why Millie like Thanksgiving? Because it can eat turkey that day.
Let us celebrate the New Year to you!

1. You can dress up as Santa Claus this 2. What is your favorite holiday, what is? Dragon Boat Festival. Why? Because I like to eat dumplingsChristmas?3. In the Mid-Autumn Festival will you do? We will eat a big meal.4. Millie like Thanksgiving Why? Because it can eat turkey day5.Let us celebrate the New Year to you!

1. can you dress up as Santa Claus this Christmas?

2. What is your favorite holiday? Dragon Boat Festival. Why? Because I like to eat dumplings 【英文没有粽子,也可以用拼音“zongzi”】

3. what will you do in the Mid-Autumn Festival ? We will eat a big meal.

4.why does Millie like Thanksgiving? Because he can eat turkey that day.

5. Let‘s celebrate the New Year!

1. You can dress up as Santa Claus this Christmas?
2. What is your favorite holiday, what is? Dragon Boat Festival. Why? I like to eat dumplings
3. You will be doing in the Mid-Autumn Festival? We will eat a big meal.
Why 4.Millie like Thanksgiving? Because it can eat turkey that day.
5. Let us celebrate the New Year to you!


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