
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

This is the company that I have been worked for.
I'll never forget the day when I first came to school.
Do you know the girl who is writing?
He adopted a child whose parents had all died.
She has two sons, both of whom are graduates from Peking University.

1.This is the company which i have ever worked for/at.
或者This is the company where i have ever worked.
2. I will never forget the first day when I went to school.
或者I will never foget the day when i went to school firstly. (注意,GO TO SCHOOL 是去上学,go to the shcool是去学校)
3.Do you know the girl who is writing now.
4. He has adopted a child whose parents were dead.
5.She has 2 sons , both of whom have graduated from Beijing University.
或者 She has 2 sons who have both graduated from Beijing/Peking University.


what kinds of material we need to make a super sandwich.
sorry, I don't agree with your view.
where do you go with your friends in weekend?
they enjoyed very well in the zoo yesterday afternoon.
we don't like the new teacher at all.

1.What would be needed to make a super sandwish?

2.Sorre,I disagree with you point.

3.Where will you tell them to go this weekends?

4.They had fan in the zoo yesterday afternoon.

5.We don't like the new teacher at all.

1.What materials do we need to make a super sandwich?
2.I am so sorry, but I don't agree with you.
3.Where do you often hang out with your friends at/on the weekend?
4.They had a good time in the zoo yesterday afternoon.
5.We don't like our new teacher at all.



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    咎通园第一句是:智商 IQ, intelligence quotient 第二句是:很抱歉 (I'm) sorry 第三句是:再给我一次机会吧 Please give me another chance 第四句是:道歉 apology, 动词apologis(z)e 第五句是:你死了 You are dead, you are finished 第六句是:结束 Finish, conclude, (the) end, game ...

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