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Despite the difficulties, the mountain climbers managed to get on top of the mountain.

我发现很难和那些一向固执己见的人合作(stick to)
I found it hard to and those who always stubborn cooperation (to) what

He reached China after he realized he understand China better how superficial is (to)

Often go to the English corner you can quickly improve your spoken English level (regular)

Despite so many difficulties, we still determined to finish the headmaster plan to our tasks (despite)

These mountaineers were blizzard trapped for three days and three nights, yet death is unknown (tissues)

We according to the police advice had no difficulty in finding the corner bakery (do)

PLS decide, otherwise you'll miss the good opportunity (or)

Those who have not been to small village have trouble painted her beauty (it)

Athough there were many difficulties, the climbers reached the top of the mountain successfully.

Despite the difficulties, or a mountain climber who successfully reached the top of the hill

Although is beset with difficulties, the mountaineering athletes successfully arrived at the summit


  • 19358624246尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功地到达了山顶。英语意思是?_百度...
    索点洋答:Athough there were many difficulties, the climbers reached the top of the mountain successfully.

  • 19358624246完成句子
    索点洋答:6王楠是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。Wang Nan is one of the best athletes in the world.7尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功 地到达了山顶。___ In spite of all the difficulties,the climbers reached the top of the mountains successfully.8自从我们上次见面以后,已经有十个多月了。It is ...

  • 19358624246完成句子
    索点洋答:6. 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。7. She used to work in the factory. (对划线部分提问)8. 我希望你能给我提供一些关于旅行费用方面的情况。9. 直到现在他都一直致力于人工智能的研究。10. 尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功地到达了山顶。11. 刚刚离开的那列火车是开往鸡西的。...

  • 19358624246翻译成英文
    索点洋答:Despite the difficulties, a mountain climber who succeeded to reach the Peak.Nice weather today, neither cold nor hot.Since our last meeting after more than 10 have been for months.

  • 19358624246a great difficulty as it was为什么不对
    索点洋答:“尽管困难重重,但登山运动员最终登上了珠穆朗玛峰”。此题考as的用法:as 表让步,“尽管”的意思。原句正常语序:As the difficulty was great,the mountain climbers```当as倒装时,语序为:adj/adv/ 情态动词/不带冠词的名词+as+主语+谓语 例句:1. Young as she is,she is good at ...

  • 19358624246英语翻译
    索点洋答:尽管困难重重我们仍决心按计划完成校长交给我们的任务(despite)Despite so many difficulties, we still determined to finish the headmaster plan to our tasks (despite)这些登山运动员被暴风雪困了三天三夜,至今生死未明(trap)These mountaineers were blizzard trapped for three days and three ...

  • 19358624246几句英语翻译……
    索点洋答:3.尽管困难重重,我们仍决心按计划完成校长交给的任务。(Despite)Although faced with many difficulties, we still made up our mind to fulfill the headmaster's task as planned.4.这些登山队员被暴风雪困了三天三夜,至今生死未卜。(trap)These mountain climbers have been trapped by a heavy...

  • 19358624246为何珠峰8848都被人征服,而玉龙雪山却无人登顶?

  • 19358624246珠穆朗玛峰文字以及图片资料
    索点洋答:回答:1921年,第一支英国登山队在查尔斯·霍华德·伯里中校的率领下开始攀登珠穆朗玛峰,到达海拔7000米处。 1922年,第二支英国登山队是用供氧装置到达海拔8320米处。 1924年,第三支英国登山队攀登珠穆朗玛峰时,乔治·马洛里和安德鲁·欧文在使用供氧装置登顶过程中失踪。马洛里的遗体于1999年在海拔8150米...

  • 19358624246全程徒步啥感觉,4次夜爬泰山的姑娘,把经验写在了这篇文章里
    索点洋答:1. 泰山被誉为“五岳之首”,其壮丽景色和悠久文化令人神往。2. 徒步登泰山是一次身体与精神的双重考验,尤其是夜间攀登,更需要坚定的意志和充足的准备。3. 夜间攀登泰山,红门至玉皇顶的路线广受欢迎,尽管路途漫长且艰辛,但每一步都是对自我的挑战和超越。4. 尽管上山之路困难重重,但泰山的美丽...

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