
来自:    更新日期:早些时候



  Today i watched the movie my mother and my sister, and i like it very much.

  The movie is talking about the princess elsa was born with magic. She could turn summer to winter with her hand. However, one day, she hurt her litter sister Anna with the magic when they are playing. Then elsa spent more time alone in her own room, because she don’t want to hurt other people. while the girls grew up, their parents died for an accident. So elsa will be the queen of the country. But people in the country found elsa has the magic and they think she is a monster. So elsa left the country and live in the ice castle build by herself. And Anna was going to find her sister, she met olaf and Kristoff on the road. They overcame so many difficulties and finally they found elsa. Anna wants elsa go back home, but elsa refused. But Anna didn’t give up.

  At the end of the movie, Anna and Krisoff became lovers. elsa know how to control her magic and don’t hurt other people.

  From the movie, i learned that we should not afraid of difficulties in our life. we need to try our best to overcome the difficulties, then we can be successful and happy.



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    宰狐春their parents died for an accident. So elsa will be the queen of the country. But people in the country found elsa has the magic and they think she is a monster. So elsa left the country and live in the ice castle build by herself. And Anna was going to find her sister...

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    宰狐春hurried to find sister, want to let elder sister put everything back to life. In the struggle, Anna help sister turned a sword. See here, I was so moved by. I also want to learn from them, solidarity and mutual assistance!中文 今天,我们看了电影,电影的名字叫“冰雪奇缘”。

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