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I will have a spring travel to the zoo. I like panda very much. I think it's cute. my teahcer said there are many pandas in the zoo, I am very happy. but I don't like tigers, I think they are scary. I am very happy to go to the zoo. 记得采纳哦

yesday I went to zoo with my mother.There are tigers, pandas,monkeys and so on.I like monkey very much.Because they can ride a bike and dance.They are so celver! The pandas are cute.They ate bambooes from persons in the trees,near the stones,and I also gave pandas some bambooes.I was so excited and nervous.I afraid of tigers.Because they can eat persons ,and I think they are fightening.The giraffe's neck is more longer than mice.So I am more shorter than it. It was so fun. I had a great time in zoo.

The zoo is definitely a very interesting place for both children and adults. For chidren, they would be able to witness the animals right before their life, instead of just looking at the plain old story books. Moreover, the zoo keepers would train the animals to perform special tricks to entertain the peopele who came to visit the zoo. The zoo also have its own educational purposes. Thz zoo specially set boards that descibe the behaviour of the animals. By doing so, the children would be able to learn at the same time they have fun. For the adults, bringing their children to the zoo would not only foster their bonds but it would also help them relax and keep away from the city's fast pace.

Tomorrow is Saturday.Pat and I will go to the Animal Land.
First,we will ride through Lion Land on a train. Next,we will drove to Hippo Pool in little cars.Then,we will have lunch in the Spring Restaurant.
After lunch,we will stant near Monkey Mountain.After that,we will go to the gift shop and buy a toy.
At last,we will go home.



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