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After seeing Madagascar "Madagascar" is a classical gas.It's a good-humored,pleasant confection that has all kinds of relaxed fun bringing computer-animated savvy to the old-fashioned world of Looney Tunes cartoons.Though the slapstick antics of "Madagascar's" quartet of animal friends do not break any new ground,that doesn't stop them from being continually amusing.As directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath,this film makes the most of the unfettered visual imagination its animators bring to the screen.
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In the Central Park Zoo of New York City,there
were a group of animals living without anxiety and sorrow.The lion Alex,the zebra
Marty,the giraffe Melman and the hippo Gloria.They were so optimistic and
outgonig that they enjoyed their life in New York City.Till one day,Marty
occassinally found four penguins who were digging a hole to the Antarctica.Marty
produced an audacious idea that he had a desire to go into the wild ,which
meant a whole new world compared with human society.So,with this strong desire,Marty
set off on his birthday at midnight,but
without telling his friends.For looking for their best friend,Alex,Melman and
Gloria set on their journey to the wild.Finally, they intercepted Marty at the
train station.However,their escape alarmed the people of New York City.They
intercepted the animals at the station,too.Four friends together with other
animals were sent to Kenya,Africa,by sea.In the process of sailling,four peguins
use kung-fu to hijacked the ship.Meanwhile,Alex and his friends dropped into
the sea by accident.Then,the ocean current brought them to their new home—Madgascar.
On the island,conflicts between Alex and
Marty became more and more serious as they explored the jungle.On one
hand,Marty was absorbed in the charming and beautiful sights and the freedom of
nature.On the other hand,however,Alex still expected the rescue and was afriad
of the cruel nature. What’s more ,Alex had to face up to the hunger because he
had no ability to hunt by himself.After two days without eating any stake,Alex
lost his mind gradully.His brutish nature came into being ,which drove him to
attack his friends.
In spite of his hunger,Alex felt guilty and
ashamed about himself.And,he must made a choice:to live as a monster or to die
as a good man.At last his humanity took the wind.Alex left his friends and
tried to die alone.However,the love to New York and the love of his friends
made him come round,when Marty attacked by Foosa,a kind of meat-eating and
greedy animals.He became a hero on the Madgascar.At the end of the movie,four
New Yorkers set on their trip back home,by the ship without fuel.Well,I beileve
they will live a amazing life on the Madgascar.
From this movie,Madgascar,made
by DREAMWORKS,I realize what’s the true meaning of being friends. Friends will
never give up or betray each other.They can always be your anchor,if you just
trust them and keep your heart open.

MadagascarLive in the zoo of New York city, zebra, giraffe, hippo and penguins several good friends, they live comfortable and luxurious life in zoo, but the clever penguins and beautiful zebra expect the true nature what they hear,finally they travel far away across the sea , come to beautiful island-Alaska Island, experiencing the freedom in Alaska and cruel hunt. Stories are vivid and unforgettable!生活在纽约动物园里的狮子,斑马,长颈鹿,河马,企鹅几个好朋友,他们在动物园里过着豪华舒适的生活,但是聪明的企鹅和漂亮的斑马向往他们听说的真正的大自然家园,最后他们漂洋过海,来到美丽的阿拉斯加岛,体会了自由的快乐,残酷的猎杀。故事生动有去,令人难以忘怀。


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