【英语】你在6:00-9:00有空吗? 翻译一下这句话

来自:高校    更新日期:早些时候

An important emergency conference will be held in the second floor in our company from 9:00 and to 11:00 tomorrow morning(August 6). Each manager should show up at the conference. No one is to be absent. Make sure Wang Lin's secratry will receive the written reminder by 5:00 pm today.

可以翻译成Do you have time?你有时间吗?
have 指的是“拥有”。常用主语+have/has。

Someone, I hope you will live a better life than me.
I'm sorry for what I did.
I am truly grateful to you and I hope we will have an opporunity to cooperate.
Thanks for your arrival and gift! and I am awfully sorry.
Do you have food and water?

你好,可翻译为:Are you free/spare from 6:00 to 9:00?满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

Will you be available during 6:00 and 9:00?

Do you have time between 6:00 and 9:00

能用Are you free 开头的句式吗

Are you free between 6:00 and 9:00

【英语】你在6:00-9:00有空吗? 翻译一下这句话视频

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