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In my eyes, it is a battlefield without smoke of gunpowder. The war between humans and nature of its purpose, does not lie in the massacre, but in yielding to the enemy, which, in the Olympic Games to be fully realized. As a senior human animals, already has a collaboration with the dual nature of war, otherwise the world would not have so many wars. It is hoped that the Olympic Games can become competitive with the Victory humanity the ultimate battleground due to the bloody war to the real demise.

The Olympics is the human physical Expo. Like dolphins, the Olympic Games have so many beautiful Yongzi; like cheetah, the 100-meter sprint Fengchidianche; like Eagle, gymnastics, diving-in the vast sky. Fly in the ointment is that the human potential - the greatest invention, manufacture and use of capacity can not become a tool of the Olympic Games athletics.

The Olympics is a stage show of strength, the will, skill and natural beauty, as well as the physical limit, to win a few million viewers in mind the favor. By encouraging people to victory, for the mistakes and regrets, as a participant in the proud. Each a medal, their weight are more than Oscar, the Golden Bear trophy.

The Olympics is the epitome of life. The lucky winner is, to the champion in the pyramid, how many unsung heroes and strive to climb it; champion is a short, today's champion, tomorrow may Mingluosunshan; champion is relative, a project champion, is in other areas Infants may be low energy; champion is the glory, but he sang the national anthem, tears when thinking of what the future is not brilliant, but Hui Xiangdao a few years of injury problems and hardship of training champion is valuable, In his possession, with the number of perseverance, self-challenge, Scale the heights of the spirit.

Olympic is a human Santa will. Apart from it, which of human social activities in such a fair, detailed and, an atmosphere of jubilation! I wish the Olympic spirit Yongzhu the world, to world peace, bring happiness, prosperity and hope.

The Olympic Games are competitive, we are all in the stadium opponents, are the presence of friends. Such as: 1936, in the 11th Olympic Games, a moving camera there, the game white athletes and black athletes in order to encourage each other, the two warmly embraced, moving this friendship, deeply impressed us.

Few have the time the Olympic Games, Beijing is stepping up efforts to the construction of Olympic venues, "nest" and "Water Cube"…… the use of today's high-tech world amazing. China's athletes, are stepping up training and preparation for an exhibition skill. Beijing's road traffic, air pollution, urban environment is stepping up efforts to governance, a new display every day in the face. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers are learning new knowledge in order to provide guests the best services. Olympics online booking system has been opened, millions of people registered for the appointment. This is a grand festival. This is a rare event. This is the first time in many years the Olympic Games 2000 in the ancient civilizations of China held. This is our great motherland the first time the world's reception at the same time so many countries and regions so many guests. Olympic is before us. We are also to the Olympic Games.

At present, there is a resounding slogan spread to every corner of the motherland, reverberated in the hearts of everyone, that is - the building of a harmonious society and building a harmonious world! To build a harmonious and harmonious society, we are building a comprehensive well-off society and create a society with Chinese characteristics a major task. "Harmonious society" the main characteristic is that the rule of law, equity, justice, sincerity, amity, vitality, stability, orderliness, harmony between man and nature. China with the Olympic "harmony" of the melody, sing the "harmonious society" and "harmonious society" the light to illuminate the 2008 Beijing Olympics!

I think we from now on, I will start from, from small start, and cherish our campus, beautification of our environment, and cherish our Yicaoyimu in Beijing, so that our cities and beautify the campus like a garden in the same So that foreign guests came to Beijing, the Beijing air we feel good, the environment, and polite people, as they came to Beijing to return to their own home. This is what I as Beijing's primary and secondary school students, a Chinese citizen on the 2008 Olympic Games for the contribution!




奥运是人生的缩影。冠军是幸运的,在通往冠军的金字塔下,多少无名英雄为之而奋力攀登;冠军是短暂的,今日的冠军,明日可能名落孙山;冠军是相对的,某一项目的冠军,在其它方面很有可能是低能儿;冠军 是荣耀的,但在他高唱国歌、热泪盈眶之时,想到的并不是未来怎样辉煌,而是回想到了数年来伤病的困扰和艰苦的训练;冠军是可贵的,在他的身上,有着多少不屈不挠、挑战自我、勇攀高峰的精神。



奥运会的时间已屈指可数了,北京的奥运场馆正在加紧修筑,“鸟巢”“水立方”…… 高新技术的运用当今世人惊艳。中国的运动健儿、正在加紧训练,准备一展身手。北京的道路交通、空气污染、城市环境正在加紧治理,每天在展示着新的面貌。数以十万计的志愿者正在学习着新的相关知识,以便为客人们提供最佳的服务。奥运会的网上购票系统已经开通,数百万人进行了预约登记。这是一次盛大的节日。这是一难得的盛会。这是奥林匹克运动会2000多年来第一次在古老文明的中国举办。这是我们伟大的祖国第一次同时接待世界上这么多国家和地区的这么多客人。奥运正向我们走来。我们也正在走向奥运。




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