
来自:安惠生活    更新日期:早些时候

i have a good father. he is a worker . My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts.

My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.

我的爸爸 我的爸爸个子高高的,戴着一副眼镜。大家都说他是个好心肠的人。他经常帮邻居排忧解难,对于一些他压根不认识的陌生人,他也总是尽力相助。他为别人真是付出了许多许多。我不愿意他这么做,因为这花费了他太多的时间。每当我劝阻他时,爸爸总是笑着说:“世界需要热心肠嘛!” 爸爸热爱家庭,更注重事业,公司里的人都叫他“工作狂”。他把大部分时间都用于工作,为工作他常常废寝忘食。过度的劳累使他的健康状况欠佳。 爸爸闲暇时爱读书。他告诉我,读书很有趣。我渐渐地对读书产生了兴趣。我爱上了书,因为书对我帮助很大。 爸爸有个坏习惯——太爱吸烟。我不喜欢他抽烟。瞧,家里充满了烟味。我知道吸烟有害他的健康,对我和妈妈也有害无益。我建议他戒烟。我相信总有一天他会这么做的。 这就是我的爸爸,我为有这样的好爸爸而自豪。

行不啦,不行找我啊。基本在线..(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Gino is one of my good friends.He lives near me.Gino go to school by bike with me from Monday to Friday.His hobby is collecting stamps.I have the same hobby.But he does not like playing football.We are the same age,we are in the same class.We are good friends.

Reading the old man and the sea
About the author
Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers in 20th century, is the representative of “lost generation” writer. He was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. worked as a reporter after graduating from high school in 1917.,amd served as an ambulance driver in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday. Hospitalized, Hemingway fell in love with an older nurse. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his life, Hemingway married four times and wrote numerous essays, short stories and novels. The effects of Hemingway's lifelong depressions, illnesses and accidents caught up with him. In July 1961, he committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho.



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    汤浩赖short stories and novels. The effects of Hemingway's lifelong depressions, illnesses and accidents caught up with him. In July 1961, he committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho.

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