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您好:我最喜欢的电视节目(My favorite TV shows)
I like watching TV, especially night news, International Sports and Animal World.
Study in daytime, I can only get to know the current situations both in and abroad through night news. And I would not be ignorant of the important issues.
Being an extroverted boy, I enjoy sports. The International Sports not only provides me with the current matches but also helps me learn a lot of playing skills.
Animals are human’s friends. I love animals. I can know about the animals I’m not familiar with from Animal World.
Therefore, night news, International Sports and Animal World are my favorite TV shows.

My favorite TV show
My favorite TV show, to the central three Sunday 6:30 broadcast "joint confrontation" friends.

In the "confrontation", I can learn a lot of knowledge. For
example, the last time, there is a "children nosebleeds are up or down
good" problem, many people must think that is good up. And that player is bow, the answer was announced, really bow good. After someone nosebleeds, I will stop him up.

This program can help me solve some of the difficulties in life. Once, my parents are not at home, I want a hot egg to eat. Is
ready to put the whole shell eggs into the microwave, I suddenly
remembered "joint confrontation" once the problem is that eggs can not
be put into the microwave shell, the answer is not. Because the eggs with shell heat is to explode. Fortunately, I remember, or else, this egg may be wasted. And once again, my father took a Hai Liang school class examination papers to me. There is a question that makes me fill in poetry, poetry cents. Really coincidentally, "joint confrontation" inside there! Poem is Du Fu, poem is Li Bai; I got 3 points.

Since I fell in love with this program, I always in some small
brother, little sister in front of significant Wei, so I in their hearts
and prestige has increased a lot.

Now, I want to master more knowledge, and strive to grow up to "joint confrontation" anti-first resistance!

My favorite TV sho ws) I like watching TV, especially night news , International Sports and Animal World. Study in daytime, I can only get to know the current situations both in and abroa d through night news. And I would not b e ignorant of the important issues. Being an extroverted boy, I enjoy sports. The International Sports not only provid es me with the current matches but also helps me learn a lot of playing skills. Animals are human’s friends. I love ani mals. I can know about the animals I’m not familiar with from Animal World. Therefore, night news, International Spo rts and Animal World are my favorite TV shows. 我最喜欢的电视节目 我喜欢看电视,特别是晚间新闻,国际体 育和动物世界。 因为白天要学习,我只能通过晚间新闻了 解国际和国内的近况。我就不会对重要的 时势毫不了解。 性格外向的我,喜欢运动。

让我观看最新赛事,而且教了我不少技巧 。 动物是人类的朋友。我喜欢动物。从动物 世界中,我能了解一些我不熟悉的动物。 因此,晚间新闻,国际体育和动物世界是 我最喜欢的电视节目。

I like watching talk shows.Because it's,finest.All these shoes have one thing in common.They tried to look for the best singers.The most stand,The most exciting magician.The finest doctors and so on.






  • 19130544063我最喜欢的电视节目作文
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  • 19130544063写一篇"我最喜欢的电视节目"的英文作文?
    怀邵娜在新闻报道一直是我最喜爱的电视节目.Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 pm and wait for the news program.我几乎每天打开电视时下午6:30 ,等待新闻节目.This has become a part of my life.这已成为我的一部分生命.The News Report contains a large amount of information C from ...

  • 19130544063英语作文,我最喜欢的电视节目。
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