
来自:    更新日期:早些时候




4.宾补:to lend his money to you.不定式

5.宾补:entering the room,现在分词

6.宾补: in good order,介词短语
7.宾补:what your city is now.从句

8.宾补:dome on time,过去分词

这句话出自Ralph Waldo Emerson的Give all to love... 意思是我们知道,该走的走了,该来的会来。 原文附翻译: 为爱牺牲一切 为爱牺牲一切 作者 爱默生 译者 张爱玲 为爱牺牲一切, 服从你的心; 朋友,亲戚,时日, 名誉,财产, 计划,信用与灵感, 什么都能放弃。 它是一个勇敢的主人, 让它尽量发挥: 无条件地跟从它, 绝望之后又抱着希望: 它高高地,更高地 跃入日上中天的正午,挟着 不知疲倦的翅膀----- 带着说不尽的意向; 但它是一个神, 知道它自己的途径, 与天空的一切出路。 它从来不为粗鄙的人而在; 它需要坚强的毅力, 绝对可靠的精神, 不屈的勇敢, 它会报偿我们, 毅力可以带回来, 更多的东西,而且 永远向上直升。 为爱离弃一切; 然而,你听我说:你的心 应当再听我说一句, 你的努力还要再加一把劲, 你需要保留今天, 明天,你整个的未来, 让它们绝对自由, 不要被你的爱人占领。 拼命抱住那姑娘不放松; 然而一旦她年轻的心中 别有所欢---- 她模糊地揣测着, 自己也感到诧异---- 你还她自由,只当她从未恋爱过; 你不要拖住她的裙幅,也不要拾起 她从她花冠上掷下的 最苍白的一朵玫瑰。 虽然你爱她,把她当自己一样, 把她当作一个较纯洁的自己, 虽然她离去了使日月无光, 使一切生物都失去了美丽, 你应当知道 半人半神走了, 神就来了。 Give All To Love Give all to love; Obey thy heart; Friends, kindred, days, Estate, good fame, Plans, credit, and the muse; Nothing refuse. 'Tis a brave master, Let it have scope, Follow it utterly, Hope beyond hope; High and more high, It dives into noon, With wing unspent, Untold intent; But 'tis a god, Knows its own path, And the outlets of the sky. 'Tis not for the mean, It requireth courage stout, Souls above doubt, Valor unbending; Such 'twill reward, They shall return More than they were, And ever ascending. Leave all for love;— Yet, hear me, yet, One word more thy heart behoved, One pulse more of firm endeavor, Keep thee to-day, To-morrow, for ever, Free as an Arab Of thy beloved. Cling with life to the maid; But when the surprise, Vague shadow of surmise, Flits across her bosom young Of a joy apart from thee, Free be she, fancy-free, Do not thou detain a hem, Nor the palest rose she flung From her summer diadem. Though thou loved her as thyself, As a self of purer clay, Tho' her parting dims the day, Stealing grace from all alive, Heartily know, When half-gods go, The gods arrive.

1.这座山的高度是多少?3000米. What's the hight of the moutain? 3000 meters. 2.他有多高?1.60米 How high is he? 1.60 meters. 3.当他外出的时候总是戴着他那滑稽的眼镜. He often wears the funny glasses when he goes out. 4.这位受欢迎的老师常常听流行音乐. The teacher who is popular often listens to pop music. 5.你爷爷看上去很年轻. Your grandpa looks young. 6.BETTY上学总是迟到. Betty always goes to school late. 7.明天记得准时到这儿来. Rember to get here on time tomorrow. 8.她长什么样? What does she look like? 9.这男孩看上去很象他母亲. The boy looks like his mother. 10.请穿上大衣让我看看. Put on the coat and let me see. 11.我有点内向/害羞. I'm a little shy. 12.数学有点难. Math is a bit of difficult. 13.我一点也不喜欢讲笑话. I don't like telling jokes at all. 14.她总是讲个不停. She never stops talking. 15.我上课从不迟到. I never go to school late. 16.天总是下午停雨. It always stops raining in the afternoon. 17.我认为他不是那么棒,但她这么认为. I don't think he is so great, but she thinks. 18.她的头发长,但我的短. Her hair is long, but mine is short. 19.他是一个好看的孩子,在3年纪1班. He is a good-looking boy in Class1 Grade3. 20.戴围巾的这位女士是我的数学老师. The lady with scarf is my math teacher. 21.我从不停止学英语. I never stop learning English. 22.我不认识张胡须的那个男人. I don't know the man with beard. 23.我不高也不矮.我中等身高. I'm not tall and not short, I'm midium build. 24.现在她换了个新面貌. Now she has a new look. 25.我奶奶很喜爱给我讲故事. My grandma likes to tell stories to me. 26.你弟弟长着卷发吗? Does your brother has curly hair? 27.这副眼镜很滑稽. This pair of glasses is funny. 28.你认识校篮球队长吗? Do you know the basketball team leader? 29.长着直发的这位女孩是LILY. The girl with long hair is Lily. 30.你想要点什么? What would you like? 31.你想要一碗土豆牛肉面吗?想要啊. Would you like a bowl of noodles with beef and tomato? Yes ,please. 32.你想要多大碗的饺子?中号碗的. What size bowl would you like? A medium bowl. 33.你想要哪种汤?西红柿和卷心菜汤. What kind of soup would you like? Tomoto dan cabbage. 34.我想乘火车去哪? Where do I go by train? 35.你愿意和我们一起踢足球吗?我愿意. Would you like to play football with us? I'd like to. 36.对不起,TOM想要我帮他补英语. Sorry, Tom want me to help him English. 37.我们有很棒的特色菜. We have great specials. 38.他想喝橙汁.给他一杯吧. He wants to drink juice. Give him a cup of one.


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