求马达加斯加3梗概...最好是英语版的.. 中文也行..自己翻

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求《马达加斯加3》的下载 最好中英字幕的 没有中文字幕也行~


长颈鹿爱上河马(Melman fell in love with Gloria)
  Melman: Listen Moto Moto. You better treat this lady like a queen because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect women. If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect women I would give her flowers everyday and not just any flowers, okay? Her favorites are orchids, white, and breakfast in bed... six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides, no crust. The way she likes it. I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend and I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh. She has the most, most amazing laugh. Well that's what I would do if were you.
  Alex: Marty! I know you're in there. Before I go, I got something I want to say. You've been a great friend. You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. …… Just like back at the zoo. What kind of friend does that make me? A pretty lousy friend, I guess. I just want you to know that I... You're one in a million. Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes. You're a dreamer, Marty. Always have been. You have great taste in music and horrible taste in friends. Well, not Melman and Gloria, but me.
  Nana: Gather 'round, children. We're New Yorkers, right? We survive the concrete jungle! When we need food, we hunt for a decent hot dog stand. When we need shelter, we build skyscrapers. When we need water, we build a dam. We're New Yorkers, for crying out loud! If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere!
  -我有好消息 也有坏消息
  I've got good news and bad news.
  好消息就是 我们马上就要降落了
  The good news is, we will be landing immediately.
  The bad news is...
  we are crush landing!
  -好让其他乘客 不被你惊吓的表情吓坏(飞机瞬间降落时)
  to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.
  -当你们要航空旅行时 我们知道 你们别无选择
  When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.
  但还是要谢谢你们选择企鹅航空(== :D)
  But thanks again for choosing air penguin.

Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still trying to get back to the Big Apple and their beloved Central Park zoo, but first they need to find the penguins. When they travel to Monte Carlo, they attract the attention of Animal Control after gate crashing a party and are joined by the penguins, King Julian and Co., and the monkeys. How do a lion, zebra, hippo, giraffe, four penguins, two monkeys, three lemurs travel through Europe without attracting attention and get back to New York? They join a traveling circus. Their attempts to get back to New York are consistently hampered by the Captain of Animal Control who wants to make Alex part of her collection. Once they make it back to New York Marty, Alex, Gloria and Melman realize that they want to be part of the traveling circus.



求马达加斯加3梗概...最好是英语版的.. 中文也行..自己翻视频

  • 19721905863求马达加斯加3梗概...最好是英语版的.. 中文也行..自己翻
    汪祝蓉Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still trying to get back to the Big Apple and their beloved Central Park zoo, but first they need to find the penguins. When they travel to Monte Carlo, they attract the attention of Animal Control after gate crashing a party and are joined ...

  • 19721905863马达加斯加3中那只斑马唱的歌叫什么名字?
    汪祝蓉是克里斯·洛克的Afro circus,克里斯·洛克1966年生于南卡罗莱纳州,美国演员、编剧、导演及监制。他以脱口秀出道,曾获得两座艾美奖,代表作品有《致命武器4》和《怒犯天条》最著名的电影有《马达加斯加》系列,于2005年主持第77届奥斯卡金像奖。作为单口喜剧演员的洛克,在此前也曾是脱口秀节目《周六晚间...

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