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Sharks existed long before there were dinosaurs.
They are the fiercest animals in the ocean.
Sharks are large creatures with sharp saw-like teeth.
Sharks have soft cartilage throughout their entire body, which provides greater flexibility than skeleton.
Sharks have to continuously swim about, otherwise they'll suffocate.

What do you usually do after dinner
which the book is fit for children
Our classroom is bright and clean
Is English a compulsory subject
Do you often borrow novels from the library
Students studying here and social science
To master a foreign language is not easy
We must learn a foreign language well, better for our socialist revolution and socialist construction

1. I left my glasses at home tonight
2. We all went to the park except Jimmy he was going to look after his sick mother
3. My mother is angry with me because I didn‘t finish the homework
4. My parents told me speak English as much as possible/as I can。
5 I found it easy to learn English。

1.I left my glasses at home tonight.
2.Everyone of us went to the park except Jimmy,he was looking after his sick mother.
3.My mom was angry with me because I didn't finish the homework.
4.My parents let me speak English as often as possible.
5.I find that learning English is a easy thing.

I forgot my glasses at home tonight

We all went to the park except Jimmy, because he needed to take care of his sick mother.

My mother got angry because I didn‘t finish the homework.

My parents ask me to speak English as much as possible.

I found that learning English was pretty easy.


1. I left my glasses at home tonight
2. Apart from Jimmy, we went to the park for him to take care of his sick mother 3. my mother is mad at me because I did not complete my homework 4. my parents so I may speak English as much as possible 5. I find easy to learn English

1.I forgot my glasses at home tonight
2.We all went to the park except Jimmy. He had to take care of his sick mother

3.My mother is because I didn't finish my homework angry with me

4.My parents let me try to speak English as much as possible

5.I find it easy to learn English



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    于莫龙1. I left my glasses at home tonight 2. We all went to the park except Jimmy he was going to look after his sick mother 3. My mother is angry with me because I didn‘t finish the homework 4. My parents told me speak English as much as possible\/as I can。5 I foun...

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