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Study plan。
The university who builds up a country, all is new as for me , new go ahead should be brand-new right away having self. Need to overcome indolent , reinforce time concept , clear and definite the target studying , independent life of institute , be ready for every piece of thing as far as possible. Strengthen self unceasingly. For this purpose, I have worked out the following plan: Target: Accomplish the mission studying smoothly; There are extremely large rise in English level. For accomplishing all above target smoothly,my determination almost burns under achieving: First, improve English hearing of an ability. Be English as exchanging a life , being going to study first. In here, be that English gives lectures, all courses , include the daily life term. English is monotonous one study about no longer , it melts bit by bit to enter my study about life. 1. Meet to greet to extend greetings on self's own initiative , not holding one's tongue incapable doctrine right away; Want the chat speaking , being not afraid to misspeak , many and being in the same school courageously , participate in the social practice activity as far as possible much , improve spoken English in human communication. 2. Write down down English learning every day and carry about with one. 3. Have levied the individual word not knowing that need to check understanding that it writes down down joining. Secondly, the specialized course learns being especially important. 1 not coming to work late and leaving early , not being absent from school without leave for no reason. 2. Having levied the location concentrating on , sitting to the full to arrive at front row , been going to take notes, digest thing learned by today again and again under class. The thing being able to compose today, drags on until tomorrow by no means. 3 accomplishes the school assignment at the same time on schedule being going to run after mass , achieve best. 4. Practice class is going to participate in study about carefully , treasures school assignment, cherish self fruit of labour. 5. The course making great efforts to accomplish what be constructed special field, gets credit smoothly. Arrive at Korea Republic finally, as one Chinese student, culture, demands the custom being going to know Korea Republic as far as possible much everywhere strictly self, is a credit to the United Nations General Assembly! Be a credit to China!

"I said: oh, Lord, Jesus this is a fire.They not ran out not even grab no shoes non Jesus. I no ran for my life (?这句没听清口音太重....),I didn't smoke because I got bronchitis. Ain't nobody got time for that".
Ain't nobody got time for that: 谁还有时间管那个

习语中“hundred”并非表示精确数字,往往强调数量之多,如: by the hundred(by hundreds) (数以百计,大批大批地); a cool hundred([口]百镑巨款,巨款); hundred percent(百分之百,完全地); hundreds of thousands of people(成千上万的人); hundreds of millions of people(亿万人) eg. "a hundred to one"一百比一,指概率极高(high probability),非常可能。 eg. "ninety-nine out of a hundred"意义与前者类似:百分之九十九,几乎全部,差不多总是. eg. "a hundred and one"许多,如:in a hundred and one ways(千方百计地) eg. "We have a hundred and one things to do."并非具体说明要做一百零一件事,而是强调 "有许多事要做". point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。 1 ) point out that …… He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。 At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place . 2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 ) He quickly pointed out a mistake . Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You've missed the point of the joke.你没听出那个笑话的可笑之处。④His talk is short but quite to the point. 他的发言简洁切题。

one hundred and thirteen point eight:113.8,one thousand and thirty-three, one hundred and seventy-six point eight:133176.8,one million and twenty-six, one thousand and twenty-two, one hundred and forty-two point seven:126122142.7,one billion and thirty-seven, one thousand and twenty-two, one hundred and forty-six point eight:137122146.8,two thousand and one point two:2001.2;数字以三位一记,加在前面的分别是:hundred(一百),thousand(一千),million(百万),billion(十亿),当中用逗号隔开,在一百以内,需用“and”,但也有特例,如第五组数字。


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