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Kiwi bird all have one day hovering, three people's time, all of us will bear firmly in mind. My dear, per share of emotion, are all strength. All of us should be very happy, very happy, even if there is no paradise. A last one from abandon, our preciousness. Three violins and three people, life and death is unwilling to forget. Hand in hand, transmit courage, pass by the most difficult journey, the sunshine is very warm. The big smile is given to you. Three people's time, the flash of light of memory.

The kiwi birdses all have to fly of a day, three persons time, we all want to bear firmly in mind.Dear of, each emotion is all strength.We all want very happy, very happy, have no heaven on the whole.The not leave of the end leave, just is our precious.Three persons with three violins, the life and death doesn't wish to forget.Deliver courage hand in hand, walk through the most difficult itinerary, the sunlight is very warm.The huge smile gives you.Three persons time, the flashlight of the memory

kiwi birds are flying day, three times, we must bear in mind. Dear, each share of emotion, are forces. We have very happy, very happy, even if not heaven. Last Bulibuqi is our precious. 3 violin three people, life and death do not want to forget. Hand-in-hand, the courage to convey, through the most difficult journey, the sun was very warm. Big smile gave you. Three times, the flash memory.

kiwi birds will fly into sky .the time when three people get together should be bear in our mind. Darling , each emotion means a power .all of us should be very happy and fortunate even if not heaven .finally no discarding ,no departing which is our cherish 。three violin three people, we willn't forget each other ,whether life nor death .hand in hand .convey the courage,go through the most difficult journey the time when three people get together is flash memory .

A day that kiwi birdses all fly, three persons' time, we all want to bear firmly in mind.Dear, each emotion, is all a power.We all want very happy, very happy, have no heaven on the whole.The not leave of the end does not leave, just is our precious.Three person with three violin, the life and death does not wish to forget.Hand in hand, deliver the courage, walk through the most difficult itinerary, the sunlight is very warm.The huge smile gives you.Three persons' time, the flashlight of the memory.



  • 18392488972请帮我把这段英语翻译成中文~!谢谢
    束米琼答:per share of emotion, are all strength. All of us should be very happy, very happy, even if there is no paradise. A last one from abandon, our preciousness. Three violins and three people,

  • 18392488972请帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,高手请帮忙,谢谢。
    束米琼答:因为你不想去那,而且那城市也没有你 It was all because you don't want to go there and you will not be there anyway. (而且那城市也没有你-- 这句话和前一句矛盾,不过我还是翻译了,你看着办)要选择大学了,你会在哪 "It's the high time of selecting a university (college). ...

  • 18392488972请大家帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!!
    束米琼答:Father said: "In one end of wood painted brown sugar, then tied bee line, then the bees on the other end of wooden hole, then according to the father said his son did.国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如...

  • 18392488972请帮我把下面这段英文翻译成中文,谢绝网络翻译。
    束米琼答:SOMETHING FOR YOU TO PONDER The following is something to ponder if you don't know what to be thankful for.你应该考虑一些东西 如果你不知道该对什么存有感激之心,请考虑以下事情。If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ...

  • 18392488972请帮我把这些翻译成英语!!
    束米琼答:1. 协助主管处理日常事务和各部门的协调等工作 competent to handle day-to-day affairs and the coordination of various departments work 2 .生产人员的内部协调,协助开每天的产量计划会议 internal coordination to help open daily production planning meeting 3. 对于ON LINE 的操作工的工作安排与...

  • 18392488972请帮我翻译把这小段中文译成英语..
    束米琼答:I am glad to study with you in the same class.I believe it is a fate.So I hope I can get along with you well.Hope for your advice.

  • 18392488972谁能帮我把这段英语翻译成中文?
    束米琼答:统治, 我不可能吗 persevers。当它 everthing's 是试验过的时候 而且没有方法去,刚刚让我保存 remrebering 有时慢地的旅程。我可能正直的需要停止而且休息 沿着第一路径 trod,时候试着 而且有我的和上帝的谈话。当我得到新的力量继续 无疑地或恐惧,不知何故我事物将会是权利,而且如此,我坚持。-...

  • 18392488972请高手迅速帮我把这段文字翻译成中文(很简单)
    束米琼答:This year is the 60th anniversary, in this National Day vacation, the land has the large-scale celebration. In Foshan, also has the large-scale fireworks performance. Evening we looked at the fireworks performance in October 1, then together took a walk goes home....

  • 18392488972请帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
    束米琼答:My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there for a visit, but also I could svae the human beings. However, I found out that this dream could not be realized when I grew up. I have a second dream afterward,...

  • 18392488972请帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢!
    束米琼答:我坚信:只要多开口说英语,英语一定会学得越来越棒!这句话的意思是:Hello,everyone.I'm Pan Yezhou from Class5,Grade4.My English name is Lily.I'm quite happy to be The Little English Star,since I love English very much.I will spend twenty minutes or so every morning in ...

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