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  I do not understand this book,I always thought Holmes was a detective there exists.But after I saw the author of introduction,I know Holmes is nothing but a protagonist of the novel.But to the detective - Sherlock Holmes written in such a vivid writer who is that?He is a medical doctorate have won a monk to break through that time together is a novel,
  What impressed me the most a chapter - Sherlock Holmes's death.This chapter wrote a great detective and a criminal group leader duel between the two of them comparable to the IQ.Holmes finally chose to die together with him,along with a waterfall and fell,plunged into the abyss.
  I admire Sherlock Holmes,because he is very brave.I admire the author of this book - Arthur Conan Doyle.Although he is a life,but he has written detective novels plot tension,the idea of tight,but also with logic.
  I subtly determined the good physician must move forward.

A banker put a crown above the others, a few blocks (forgot) aquamarine, one daylost, master for old fortune survey. Master the suspected his romantic son do,results after the old Fu careful investigation, careful analysis, finally revealed the truth: it is for many years, they won their favorite capable niece drawn and stole jadeand then ran and the man。

A bank save the crown of the individuals in the home, have a few (forget) green jade, lost one day, master to old f investigation.Master this doubt is dry, the son of his affair, the results after old fortune of careful investigation, careful analysis, finally the truth: it is living in their home for many years, so their favorite niece being tempted and stole the green jade and then the man ran off.



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