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狼山位于南通市南郊,是著名的自然风景区,由狼山、马鞍山、黄泥山、剑山和军山组成,西临长江、山水相依,通称五山。狼山居其中,海拔106.94 米,最为峻拔挺秀,文物古迹众多,其他四山如众星拱月,狼山成为五山之首。
英文可以对应自己百度啊 现在软件很多的

  你好,为你提供的导游词如下:(提醒一下,狼山也可以写成 The Wolf)
  Hi, ladies and gentlemen:
  The Wolf Mountain is located in Nantong City, the southern suburbs,which is a famous natural scenic spot. The Wolf Mountain is consisted of five mountains: Ma On Shan, Wong Shan, Jian Jun Shan Mountains and the component of south Yangtze River,a variety of mountains and rivers. It is also known as The Five Mountains.
  The Wolf Mountain,which is 106.94 meters above sea level, is the highest one and the most graceful, with so many cultural relics. the other four mountains such as Zhongxinggongyue, Wolf became the first of these five mountains. According to a legend story, The Wolf had its home on The White Wolf, but also,due to the mountain is denominated after the shape of wolves. In Song Chunhua years (990 ~ 994 A.D.) Reign Yang Jun indecent thought of the name---- The Wolf, The Wolf changed to the Lang Shan, and then mostly, because of the purple mountains of rock, so to the next following generations , the mountain is also known as The Purple Mountain Lang , Nantong City, which also got the "Purple Lang," another name for this elegant.
  The Wolf is of the origin into the Yangtze River,when the third monk Jian Zhen went to Japan and he had to stay sheltered in The Wolf. The Wolf, started from the Northern Song Dynasty and the land up until then. The temples were built from Song to Qing Palace Tower, as well as temples of the total were widely taught. The Wolf Buddhist Temple for the other Bodhisattvas, as the nation's first Buddhist lived in eight small mountains.
  Shannan Wolf flows with smoothness to quiet north, the northern foothill of the mountain for the screen and garden structures, many inscriptions on the cliff,is called Title slope. Park cliff of meandering streams, rock western waterfront,as the famous painter of modern Changshuo entitled "In larger above-board Angeles." Zhang left the building which still has the "Zhao Shen embroidery of painted floor" and "Forest River Abode", "language Mei House" and other buildings,etc.

  狼山位于南通市南郊,是著名的自然风景区,由狼山、马鞍山、黄泥山、剑山和军山组成,南临长江、山水相依,通称五山。狼山居其中,海拔106.94 米,最为峻拔挺秀,文物古迹众多,其他四山如众星拱月,狼山成为五山之首。相传狼山曾有白狼居其上,又传因山形似狼而得名。北宋淳化年间(990~994年)州牧杨钧觉得狼山之名不雅,便改狼山为琅山,后又因山上的岩石多呈紫色,故后人又称之为紫琅山,南通市因而也得了“紫琅”这个雅致的别称。狼山原在长江之中,唐代高僧鉴真第三次东渡日本曾在狼山停留避风,北宋时狼山才与陆地涨接。自宋至清陆续兴建了庙宇殿塔,总名广教寺。佛教中狼山为大势至菩萨道场,列为全国佛教八小名山之首。 狼山南畅北幽,北麓以山为屏而构园,悬崖陡壁上题刻甚多,称题名坡。园内崖下为曲流溪水,西部临水巨石,近代著名书画家吴昌硕题为“大磊落矶”。至今尚留有张春所建的“赵绘沈绣之楼”和“林溪精舍”、“语梅楼”等建筑。


Hello everyone ,This is a well-known hills of Nantong City,There are 5 hills in NanTong,This is several mountain though not high, but in hirakawa , it is very noticeable. They are small, beautiful and diverse, Thousands of years, for praise by the number of literati. Song dynasty calligrapher MI yuan Zhang , is pleased to inscribed"First Mountain"; a great writer Wang An shi after the tour finished Langshan , also amazed In fact, The most famous is the Langshan.The scenery is very beautiful ,There are green and luxuriant trees,beautiful flowers and a lot of temples.When holidays,There are many tourists to visit here,Some look at scenery, and some come to burn incense and worship Buddha. 不知道你要多少字的,平平凑凑写了这写 估计有很多笔误哈~


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