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A smiling tragedy


"A dream of Red Mansions" is not only a description of the feudal aristocratic family with a decline of three generation splendor of life, but also boldly against the feudal aristocracy shameless and depravity, points out the hypocrisy, greed, fraud, corruption and their evil. It not only points out the inevitable collapse of this family and death, but also suggests that the inevitable collapse of the family class and social and death. Cao Xueqin created his love and the hero is those who dare to rebel the dying feudal aristocracy was grieved over the period; sympathy is the victim that the feudal system; the criticism and negation is the moral hypocrisy of feudal society and the unreasonable social system. On one side is the union of wood and stone, while it is Jin marriage. On one side is the feudal society must pursue fame rings, one side is the free man feel excited.

曹雪芹笔下的《红楼梦》为我们展现了这场无声的较量。贾宝玉和林黛玉的悲剧爱情故事浓缩了这场较量的全部硝烟,“一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无瑕”,“质本洁来还洁去”,在面对封建礼教下的种种迫害和冷漠,甚至以生命的付出为代价,质本洁的追求始终不弃。我们感叹贾、林两人爱情的悲剧的时候,看到了造成悲剧的一个重要因素:林黛玉的清高的个性,她的个性与当时的世俗格格不入,无法与社会“融合”,她的自卑情结正是她自尊的体现,也是她悲剧的开始。 “假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无”,假假真真,让人琢磨不透。

Cao Xueqin's "dream of Red Mansions" show a silent battle for us. Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu's tragic love story concentrates all the smoke in this contest, "one is an immortal flower, is a stainless", "quality of the clean to also clean out", in the face of all kinds of persecution under the feudal ethics and indifference, even at the expense of life, the pursuit of the quality of clean never give up. When we sigh love Jia, Lin two human tragedy, saw an important factor causing the tragedy: Lin Daiyu aloof personality, her personality and at the time of the secular society cannot be misfits, and "fusion", her inferiority complex is the embodiment of her self-esteem, but also started her tragedy. "False true and false, no non being", false true true, let a person can't figure out.


"All a dream of Red Mansions" in the soul, as Lin Daiyu, she is different, she is she, indulge in self-admiration a clump of high hearted, the secluded orchid in a deserted valley. Lin Daiyu's inferiority complex is given by the destiny, also to write her fate.


"A dream of Red Mansions" broad and profound, often read often new, everyone has the feeling, meeting Wu is the immortal charm of it

King Arthur is the figure at the heart of the Arthurian legends. He is said to be the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall. Arthur is a near mythic figure in Celtic stories such as Culhwch and Olwen. In early Latin chronicles he is presented as a military leader, the dux bellorum. In later romance he is presented as a king and emperor.

In the legend of King Arthur, the Round Table was a mythical table in Camelot around which King Arthur and his knights sat to discuss matters crucial to the security of the realm. In some versions, the wizard Merlin also has a seat.
There is no "head of the table" at a round table, and so no one is at a privileged position. Thus the knights were all peers and there was no "leader" as there were at so many other medieval tables. There are indications of other circular seating arrangements to avoid conflicts among early Celtic groups. However, one could infer importance on the basis of the number of seats each knight was removed from the king. The Siege Perilous ("dangerous chair") was reserved for knights of pure heart.


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