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Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us clever and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more will learn, and the bright our future will become.
However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going on line to play games. It takes much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world..
Let’s start reading now. And let it become a part of our life.

生命中最伟大的光辉不在于永不坠落;而是坠落后总能再度升起。 ——南非前总统曼德拉的至理名言












水的性格是最好的。因为它既有小桥流水一样的欢快,又有水滴石穿的坚韧;既有滔滔江水般的汹涌,又有大海一样的宽容。对于我们每个人也是一样,我们应该懂得调试自己是最重要的,在不同 的环境中应该用不同的特色去适应,或者去找对应的人,这样才能做到与别人完美相处。——扬滨回答"如何才能做到改变自己"



成功的人都是心态积极的人,他们乐观,有信念,勇于承担责任,有信心,所以成功的第一要素就是要有积极的心态。此外,成功的人往往有明确的目标,目标就是他们成功的方向,成功的彼岸;世界上没有懒惰的人,只有缺乏目标的 人,如果你缺乏目标,你一定会懒惰。——"中国跆拳道第一人","知行合一"行动成功学理念创始人李践



这个世界上挤满了消极的人们,他们可以举出一千个理由,来证明你的理想实现不了。因此,你必须相信自己的能力,使理想成为现实。——丹佛一家建筑咨询公司总裁 巴巴拉、格罗甘









今天就是 X 中学第 X 届运动会开幕了……看着运动员在场上,努力拼搏,我坐在观众席上,心里总在对他们说:“无论是否成功,我们永远赞美你,你们永远是我们的骄傲,努力吧,运动员!到中流击水,浪遏飞舟,看校运会谁占鳌头。 在运动场上,几多欢笑...

Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.
In my first year at primary school, his mother bought me a lot of books, I benefited from reading. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" also seems to me to the cabin was videotaped, at the same time, also warned me: not to judge people by appearance of the United States and the ugly; "The Little Match Girl" Let me see her tragic childhood, the more I cherish the happy life ┉ book told me a lot before I do not know the story.
Along with the growth of age, I had more Aikanshu. The thin story into a thick book in the world famous. Gorky's "childhood" Let me know the rule of the Russian tsar in the dark, that a generation of literary master Gorky's childhood, "How to Make Steel", a book hero Paul Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to education in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great motherland is a long history of 5,000 years, I am even more We love the motherland.
I bring books to a lot of happiness. Whenever I see excellent essay anthology Writing a winning chapter, I hope that my writing can be won ah! So, I usually read some
Exce llent essays. Read other books, each Kanyiben, extracts book will be a good word, good sentence, the time out to look at the course of time, in the chest on the Lanshu. Therefore, my composition level has been upgraded.
My book enriched after-school life, I added to the wings of fantasy. Shuba love, books of human nutrition, but also the progress of human civilization ladder!


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    应勇冯答:英语例文,仅供参考 Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at prima...

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    应勇冯答:Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at primary school, his mot...

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    应勇冯答:您好:Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at primary school, h...

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    应勇冯答:今天就是 X 中学第 X 届运动会开幕了……看着运动员在场上,努力拼搏,我坐在观众席上,心里总在对他们说:“无论是否成功,我们永远赞美你,你们永远是我们的骄傲,努力吧,运动员!到中流击水,浪遏飞舟,看校运会谁占鳌头。 在运动场上,几多欢笑......

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    应勇冯答:a book hero Paul • Kecha the kind of strong will deeply touched me, I would like to education in the face of difficulties establishing confidence…… a "5,000 years of Chinese from top to bottom," displayed a bright collection of Chinese history, I see that our great ...

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