
来自:品购    更新日期:早些时候







More than seven percent of university studentssurveyed said that they have experiencedharassment from unidentified people on theircollege campuses. 


The survey, which polled 601 students from over100 Chinese universities,revealed that 7.58 percentof the respondents had experienced harassment,according to an article in last Monday's edition ofChina Youth Daily. 

据上周一《中国青年报》的一篇文章指出,该项研究向来自中国100多所高校的601名学生进行了 调查,发现7.58%的受访者曾经经历过性骚扰。

Moreover, about 65.24 percent said they had heard of similar situations experienced by theirclassmates. 


However, the article quoted some students as saying that in many cases victims dare not todirectly confront their harassers and many felt ashamed to tell their families or teachers. 

但是该文章引述一些学生的话称,在很多情况下,受害人都不敢直接面对骚扰自己的人,也羞于告 诉老师和家人。 

Students surveyed also said that enhanced security is required on university campuses. 


A total of 58.81 percent of the students said their campuses allow members of the public toenter freely, while 81.38 percent said universities should take measures to control entry. 

共有58.81%的学生表示,他们的学校允许社会人员自由出入,而81.38%的学生则表示高校应该采 取措施控制这一现象。


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