
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

The natural materials are from the green environmental friendly forests:

The bamboos can condition indoor humidity, absorbing ultraviolet radiation, anti-static electric currents and very good to people's health.

Through getting online, down loading pictures and have dicussions with my teacher(s)

I have a certain understanding about the knowledge of cloth doll cuttings,

After a few on hand simple doll makings, my sewing skills has improved a lot. ("逢人志士" 是否 "缝纫技术" 之误?)

The final design and product of the new "Haibao" model has been through countless of alterations

But the way of continuing alterations along with the makings had given me a lot of benefits

These two bear cubs with different characters were revised designs according to the online blueprints.

Through on hand makings with sewings, I have gained more in-depth understandings about toy (cloth doll) makings / manufacturings 再一次同样情形: "对玩偶的只左右了" 是否 "对玩偶的制作有了" 之误?


Hey ____,

I’ve received your letter, thanks for keeping us Chinese friends in memory!
或 I've received your letter, thanks for not forgetting your Chinese friends!


另外一点:给外国人写信,一般习惯直接把别人的姓名写在信的开头里,比如 “Hey Allen”, “Hi Shelley!” 等等。 如果用 “Hello, my dear friend” 之类的话,会让人觉得你们的关系比较生疏,可能导别人对你的影响不太好。所以我建议你在前面直接写 Hey ___, 或 Hi ___。而且这也是外国人写信的一种习惯;不管是写给公司里的董事长还是写个一个小员工,都会直接称呼互相的名字。所以一般自己收到信的时候也会希望别人直接称呼自己的名字,这样会让人感觉比较亲切。

I’m interested in hosting a music related platform (在这里我也不太确定这个“平台“到底是指什么,如果可以再稍微得了解一下,就可以更具体的翻译了。在这里我先用 “platform”,如果不适合的话,我可以稍后改) later on this year, so I hope you’ll remember to contact us then about working together on the project. We’re really excited to work hand in hand with you to further your platform’s pursuit of elegant music and prosper together. (以上有位答题者的句子里有 ”noble music“ 这个词, 我觉得这个不太通,英语里一般不会用 noble 这个词来形容 music)

May God bless you, and long live our friendship! (这句话我觉得上面 mmkk 翻译得挺不错的)

Sincerely yours,

~ ~ ~ 全文以下 ~ ~ ~

Hey ____,

I’ve received your letter, thanks for keeping us Chinese friends in memory!
或 I've received your letter, thanks for not forgetting your Chinese friends!

I’m interested in hosting a music related platform later on this year, so I hope you’ll remember to contact us then about working together on the project. We’re really excited to work hand in hand with you to further your platform’s pursuit of elegant music and prosper together.

May God bless you, and long live our friendship!

Sincerely yours,



3G时代的来临,也预示着中国将要以3G发展为契机,优化市场结构。中国现有五家主要电信运营商:分别为中国移动,中国联通,中国电信,中国网通,中国铁通。包括了两家移动通信运营商和三家固定通信运营商。但是在用户数、盈利能力方面,中国移动较遥遥领先领于其他四家企业。 如果完全依靠市场竞争,中国移动凭借现有实力可以完全击垮任何一家电信运营商,从而回到一家独霸的格局,这是大家都不愿看到的垄断局面。
The advent of the 3G era indicates that China shall make use of this opportunity to optimize the structure of the telecom market. At present, there are five major telecom operators, namely, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Netcom and China Railcom, from which two are mobile telecom operators and the other three fixed telecom operators. However, China Mobile is way ahead of the other four companies in terms of customer counts and profits. Without any interference with the market competitions, China mobile can easily defeat any operator with its existing strong resources; and it will bring back the single autocratic, monopolistic state of affairs which nobody wishes to see.

Therefore, in order to benefit the general public in the country, the apparently unbalanced situation in the structures of the China telecom market must be resolved, so as to create a benignant structure for market competitions. At the moment, operation of the third generation mobile telecommunication (3G) comes as a significant turning point. This is because if 3G is activated, all the telecom operators will have the chance to obtain operating licenses, and a fair market competition environment will be formed. At the same time, the adjustment of the telecom industrial structures will be expedited, resulting in the reorganization among the telecom operators, and subsequently, it bounds to initiate a new round of reshuffle for the China telecom operators. The reorganization under the 3G format can also resolve the current state of unbalanced businesses of the present major operators; it is also favorable to the overall upgrading of China’s telecom industry, enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness and achieving development internationally as well as corporate innovations.

Along the path of the 3G communications, the government continues to promote the in-depth reform in the mechanism of the telecom industry; there may be transformations in the structure of the industry and the competing pattern. It can also gradually solve some deep-seated contradictions and problems that are affecting and restricting the development of the telecom industry in China. The government’s optimization on the market competition structure and the allocation of network resources, coupled with the establishment and improvement on the relevant policy guidance also ensures the unimpeded accession to the 3G era.

3G time is approaching,and it is also indicates that China is going to take the 3G development as the turning point, optimizing the market mechanism. Chinese existing five main telecommunication operation business: Respectively moves be China, China Unicom, the Chinese telecommunication, the Chinese net passes, the Chinese iron passes. Including two mobile communication operation business and three fixed services operations business. But in the user number, the profit ability aspect, China moves comparatively leads to other four enterprises. If completely depends upon the market competition, China moves relies on the existing strength to be allowed completely to strike breaks down any telecommunication operation business, thus returns to the pattern which lords over, this is the monopoly aspect which everybody is not willing to see. Therefore we must solve the Chinese telecommunication market mechanism obvious unbalanced aspect, forms the benign market mechanism competition, which can let the national general populations profit. The current important turning point is the third generation mobile communication (3G) operation. Because just as starts 3G, main telecommunication operation business on hopefully obtains the mobile communication management license plate, a fair market competition environment very quickly will form. Also sped up the telecommunication industrial structure adjustment, expedites between the Chinese telecommunication operation business to reorganize, inevitably also will cast on the Chinese telecommunication operation business is new turn mixes the cards. Under 3G pattern reorganization path, it is also can solve the current several big operations business service unbalanced situation now,also do favor to the Chinese telecommunication industry whole to promote, the enhancement synthesis competitive ability, the realization internationalization development and the enterprise innovation. In the 3G correspondence path, the government will continue to advance the telecommunication industry system the deepened reform, the profession structure and the competition pattern possibly changes, also will be able to pass gradually solves affects and restricts the Chinese telecommunication industry development some deep level contradictions and the question. Optimizes the market competition structure, the optimized network resources disposition, the formulation and the consummation related policy guidance, also has guaranteed 3G time unobstructed.

wow~finally finished it!It is so long!

The advent of 3G era, but also indicates that China will be to 3 G development as an opportunity to optimize the structure of the market. China now has five major telecom operators: for China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Railcom. Including the two mobile communications operators and three fixed telecommunications operators. However, users, profitability, ahead of China Mobile than in the other four leading enterprises. If completely rely on market competition, China Mobile with the existing strength can be completely Knockout any one telecom operators, which dominate the return to a pattern, which is we all want to see the monopolistic situation.
So to solve China's telecommunications market structure obvious imbalance in the situation, the formation of healthy competition in the market structure, so that the masses can benefit. At present an important opportunity is the third generation mobile communication (3 G) operations. If activated 3 G, the main telecom operators on mobile communications is expected to be operating licence, a fair market competition environment will soon be formed. Telecom also accelerated the industrial restructuring, to hasten the birth of China's telecommunications operators between the reorganization, will also be molded telecom operators of China's new round of reshuffle. 3 G pattern in the reorganization under the road, can also solve the current operators of several major imbalance in the status quo business, will also be conducive to China's telecommunications industry as a whole upgrading, and raise the overall competitiveness and achieve international development and enterprise innovation. 3 G in communications on the road, the Government continues to promote the reform of the telecommunications industry structure, industry structure and competition pattern may change, but also-and gradually solve the constraints affecting the development of China's telecommunications industry some deep-rooted contradictions and problems. Optimization of competition in the market structure, optimize the allocation of network resources to develop and improve the relevant policy guidance, but also to ensure a smooth 3 G era.


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