
来自:红宝石    更新日期:早些时候

"The Gilded Age" as Mark Twin's first full-length novel, not only reveals the darkness of the societyUSA insider, depicting the life style corruption and speculative economic thought, at the same time inthe economic context, but also show four types of characters by the different characters of different"American dream of the pursuit of the Gilded Age", for readers truly introduced people to the Gilded Age American dream different yearning and pursuit. Four kinds of novel based on the description of characters, which not only has high literary value, but from a practical level, incentive people bravecorrectly the pursuit of material life and spiritual enjoyment of ascension.

His mind was stuffed with worries on poverty.
Tom's wisdom is no second to the class top student.
I know him just as an acquaintance, not as a friend.
That is Peter. / That's what Peter is. / That's the characteristics of Peter.
The docter didn't finish the operation until midnight.
History class introduces me to the ancient civilization.


Virtue and skill are far more important than precious fortune.


Being polite is the most beautiful flower in the noble characteristics.


A man who enjoys the water is smart and a man who enjoys the mountain is kind.As the smart is moving,the kind is still,so the smart is happy,the kind lives long.


A man who treats others good is called gentleman,while a man who cheats always is called bad guy.


A man who cares action more than words is called gentleman.

6.好学近乎知 力行近乎仁 知耻近乎勇

Study hard then you have knowledge,dealing with problems by yourself then you have virtue,knowing shame then you have courage.


Confidence is the first step of success.


A man who treats others equally is called gentleman while a man who calls on everyboday to do poor things is called poor guy.


Leave no rubbish,leave a nice envioronment.


Only a man who knows where to go can make up his mind,then can keep his mind calm,then can make himself adapt to the envioronment,then can think more,and at last can get what he wants.


Everything has its beginnig and ending,only when you konw them,can you be able to be a good person.


Be courage to accept the unfeeling theories.


Virtue and skill are far more important than precious fortune.
Being polite is the most beautiful flower in the noble characteristics.
A man who enjoys the water is smart and a man who enjoys the mountain is kind.As the smart is moving,the kind is still,so the smart is happy,the kind lives long.
A man who treats others good is called gentleman,while a man who cheats always is called bad guy.
A man who cares action more than words is called gentleman.
6.好学近乎知 力行近乎仁 知耻近乎勇
Study hard then you have knowledge,dealing with problems by yourself then you have virtue,knowing shame then you have courage.
Confidence is the first step of success.
A man who treats others equally is called gentleman while a man who calls on everyboday to do poor things is called poor guy.
Leave no rubbish,leave a nice envioronment.
Only a man who knows where to go can make up his mind,then can keep his mind calm,then can make himself adapt to the envioronment,then can think more,and at last can get what he wants.
Everything has its beginnig and ending,only when you konw them,can you be able to be a good person.
Be courage to accept the unfeeling theories

Morals and accomplishments are far better than the valuable capital.
Good manners are the most beautiful flower among the noble virtues.
A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy.
A good man is ashamed of his words and yet not ashamed to his manner.
Self-confidence is the crucial step to success.
Taking out of the domestic pollution sources, preserving our natural environment
Everything hath an end.
You must confront these inexorable gospel with bravery.

Virtue and skill are far more important than precious fortune.
Being polite is the most beautiful flower in the noble characteristics.
A man who enjoys the water is smart and a man who enjoys the mountain is kind.As the smart is moving,the kind is still,so the smart is happy,the kind lives long.
A man who treats others good is called gentleman,while a man who cheats always is called bad guy.
A man who cares action more than words is called gentleman.
6.好学近乎知 力行近乎仁 知耻近乎勇
Study hard then you have knowledge,dealing with problems by yourself then you have virtue,knowing shame then you have courage.
Confidence is the first step of success.
A man who treats others equally is called gentleman while a man who calls on everyboday to do poor things is called poor guy.
Leave no rubbish,leave a nice envioronment.
Only a man who knows where to go can make up his mind,then can keep his mind calm,then can make himself adapt to the envioronment,then can think more,and at last can get what he wants.
Everything has its beginnig and ending,only when you konw them,can you be able to be a good person.
Be courage to accept the unfeeling theories.

Virtue and skill are far more important than precious fortune.
Being polite is the most beautiful flower in the noble characteristics.
A man who enjoys the water is smart and a man who enjoys the mountain is kind.As the smart is moving,the kind is still,so the smart is happy,the kind lives long.
A man who treats others good is called gentleman,while a man who cheats always is called bad guy.
A man who cares action more than words is called gentleman.
6.好学近乎知 力行近乎仁 知耻近乎勇
Study hard then you have knowledge,dealing with problems by yourself then you have virtue,knowing shame then you have courage.
Confidence is the first step of success.
A man who treats others equally is called gentleman while a man who calls on everyboday to do poor things is called poor guy.
Leave no rubbish,leave a nice envioronment.
Only a man who knows where to go can make up his mind,then can keep his mind calm,then can make himself adapt to the envioronment,then can think more,and at last can get what he wants.
Everything has its beginnig and ending,only when you konw them,can you be able to be a good person.
Be courage to accept the unfeeling theories

1.Morals and talent and skill 远胜 to precious property.
2.Well-mannered is in the noble moral character the most beautifulflowers.
3.Knowing happy water, savant Leshan. Knowing moves, the savant isstatic. Knowing happy, the savant is long-lived.
4.Gentleman 怛 turbulent, the villain long is intimate.
5.Gentleman shame its word but its line.
6.Easy to learn approaches the knowledge to energetically put intopractice approaches the kernel to know the shame to approach bravely .
7.Self-confident is you steps out the successful key step.
8.The gentleman week but does not compare, the villain compares but notthe week.
9.Carries off life trash, protects the natural environment.
10.After the knowledge stops but has decides; After decides but can bestatic; After static but can settle; An Erhou can ponder; Afterponders but can result in.
11.The thing has the essentials The matter has 终始 Knows theinstitute successively Then 近道.
12.Must have the courage to face up to the heartless truth.
回答者:LOVEの正 - 魔法学徒 一级 4-19 11:59

Morals and accomplishments are far better than the valuable capital.
Good manners are the most beautiful flower among the noble virtues.
A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy.
A good man is ashamed of his words and yet not ashamed to his manner.
Self-confidence is the crucial step to success.
Taking out of the domestic pollution sources, preserving our natural environment
Everything hath an end.
You must confront these inexorable gospel with bravery.
回答者:suky840901 - 经理 四级 4-19 12:04

Morals and accomplishments are far better than the valuable capital.
Good manners are the most beautiful flower among the noble virtues.
A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy.
A good man is ashamed of his words and yet not ashamed to his manner.
Self-confidence is the crucial step to success.
Taking out of the domestic pollution sources, preserving our natural environment
Everything hath an end.
You must confront these inexorable gospel with bravery.


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