
来自:外贸    更新日期:早些时候

英语:(A) scientific and technological progress
Someone once asked Jeff Bezos: "In the network there are many commercial hunches, or large, or small, or that will be brewing into a catastrophe, what is your forecast?"

Bezos's answer: "Internet business is extremely important. For many vertical industries, the importance of it is coming soon. But perhaps for other industries will spend a longer time. Web site can actually make many industries to increase business value, before the technology will have to try to mature. "

Difference is that Amazon's Bezos will be located in high-tech industry, rather than circulation. The main body traditional bookstore clerk, and in the Amazon is its main software engineers. In a short few years, Amazon has stood out in bookstores in the Makes Efforts to Improve the network, which most of the credit is attributable to science and technology. The importance of science and technology research and development is self-evident, especially in the network industry!

Amazon is the first use of "total screening" technology site, to analyze customer buying of goods, the root
According to their preferences, suggest other books on a regular basis. Another example is Unix operating system, One-Click ordering system of ownership, technological innovation center and be able to find recommended books, CD and video of the pluralistic browsing system, etc., are developed out of the Amazon.

Amazon Institute of technology and constantly develop new software, making it difficult for firms such as Barnes & Noble and some play a role, which Amazon has taken the lead, becoming Book Fair is dominated.

法语(A) les progrès scientifiques et technologiques
Quelqu'un demanda un jour Jeff Bezos: «Dans le réseau il ya beaucoup d'intuitions commerciales, ou grandes, ou petites, ou qui sera le brassage dans une catastrophe, quelle est votre pronostic?

Bezos réponse: les "Internet est extrêmement important. Pour nombre d'industries verticales, l'importance de celui-ci sera bientôt disponible. Mais peut-être pour d'autres industries passer un temps plus long. Site Web peut faire de nombreuses industries pour accroître l'activité valeur, avant que la technologie aura pour tenter de maturité. "

Différence est que Bezos d'Amazon sera situé dans l'industrie high-tech, plutôt que de la circulation. Le corps principal commis de librairie traditionnelle, et en Amazonie est à ses ingénieurs du logiciel. Dans un peu courtes années, Amazon s'est fait remarquer dans les librairies dans les efforts déployés Makes pour améliorer le réseau, dont la plupart des crédits est attribuable à la science et la technologie. L'importance de la recherche scientifique et technologique et le développement va de soi, surtout dans les industries de réseau!

Amazon est la première utilisation d'un «filtrage total" du site de technologie, d'analyser achat des clients de marchandises, la racine
En fonction de leurs préférences, de suggérer d'autres livres sur une base régulière. Un autre exemple est le système d'exploitation Unix, One-Click régime de propriété, centre de l'innovation technologique et être en mesure de trouver des livres recommandés, CD et vidéo du système de navigation pluralistes, etc, sont développées à partir de l'Amazone.

Amazon Institut de technologie et de constamment développer de nouveaux logiciels, ce qui rend difficile pour les entreprises comme Barnes & Noble et certains jouent un rôle, Amazon a pris les devants, devenant Foire du livre est dominée.

Fourth, peaceful is easy "four service" and the electronic commercefour service = finance, the service, the electronic commerce + servicefinance: Realizes the financial control information is each enterprisemay do, must do the work which moreover may first do. If is connectedhelps software is financial software. Service: The business managementinformation may carry on with financial control informationsynchronization, also may divide step carries on, finally realizes thefinance, the service integration. With service correlation software isbuying and selling chain management software. Electronic commerce: Infinancial, in the business management information foundation, theenterprise next step then realizes the electronic commerce, andfinally causes the electronic commerce and the finance, the servicecoordination and the integration. Service: Regardless of is thefinancial information, the service information or the electroniccommerce all with changes with each new day stares at the technicalclose correlation, the not very good service accompanied with itfollows, just like has lacked a wheel automobile, will not be ablestably to exercise on the Internet information superhighwayinformation superhighway. Was because of like this, only then causesthe merchant to obtain more opportunities


As soon as just entered the campus to move by schoolmates' enthusiasm. Although unknown, but actually obtained just likes the friend warm in reception. The school place is not big, this makes me feel unavoidably disappointed. Although through a period of time's study, I discovers here house sparrow slightly but be fullies equipped. The school has provided the pronunciation classroom for us, the library, calculates the engine room and so on advanced teaching supporting facility, thus made us obtain the better learning environment. The modernized drill ground as well as the diverse sports equipment, have provided the good safeguard for ours extra-curricular exercise. The school dining room provided comfortably for us has dined the environment, several dozens provided by might and main from all corners of the country merchant we high quality, and diverse good food. When leisure, located at the school west side artificial lake, is the good destination which a leisure takes a walk. In the campus the fixed-point broadcast, momentarily is transmitting the most recent information for us, the exquisite music is relaxing our mood. Teachers each one rich experience, conscientious. The School leader is paying attention to our intravenous drip study life. Listens attentively to schoolmates earnestly each study summary report, and gives the valued suggestion. The regular school will also conduct the recreational activities, will enrich our life. As this school's student, I deeply feels arrogantly. And will achieve well diligently in future day.

Has just entered the campus students were impressed by the enthusiasm. Although Subuxiangshi, but it was like a friend as a warm reception. Local schools do not, which inevitably I am disappointed. But through a period of study, I found that the sparrow is small here but Wuzangjuquan. Schools with a voice to our classrooms, libraries, computer rooms and other advanced teaching aids, so that we get a better learning environment. Modernization of the playground and a variety of sports equipment for our amateur training provides a good protection. School canteens to provide us with a comfortable dining environment, dozens of businesses from all corners of the globe竭力we provide quality and variety of food. Her spare time, in the schools west of the artificial lake, it is a good place for leisure walks. Sentinel of the campus radio, at any time for us to convey the latest information, the beautiful music soothe our feelings. All teachers have experienced and dedicated. School leaders are more concerned about our Some of the learning experience. Earnestly listen to the students every time learning the final report and give valuable advice. Schools will also hold regular cultural and recreational activities to enrich our lives. As a student of this school, I am deeply proud. And will in the coming days in efforts to do our best.

Has just entered the campus students were impressed by the enthusiasm. Although Subuxiangshi, but it was like a friend as a warm reception. Local schools do not, which inevitably I am disappointed. But through a period of study, I found that the sparrow is small here but Wuzangjuquan. Schools with a voice to our classrooms, libraries, computer rooms and other advanced teaching aids, so that we get a better learning environment. Modernization of the playground and a variety of sports equipment for our amateur training provides a good protection. School canteens to provide us with a comfortable dining environment, dozens of businesses from all corners of the globe竭力we provide quality and variety of food. Her spare time, in the schools west of the artificial lake, it is a good place for leisure walks. Sentinel of the campus radio, at any time for us to convey the latest information, the beautiful music soothe our feelings. All teachers have experienced and dedicated. School leaders are more concerned about our Some of the learning experience. Earnestly listen to the students every time learning the final report and give valuable advice. Schools will also hold regular cultural and recreational activities to enrich our lives. As a student of this school, I am deeply proud. And will in the coming days in efforts to do our best.


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