关于溺水急救措施的英语作文。高三水平,120左右。速求,感谢。邮箱:[email protected]

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求英语作文 字数大概120左右 并尽量附加翻译 急救~

Recently the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”. In fact this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.
In the first place it’s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities which indirectly make their situation worse.
Generally speaking college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.

首句交待背景,用无生命的名词词组(inanimate noun phrase)作主语并使用被动语态,文章更加客观中立。
第二句话使用单词embarrassing,深入地挖掘了当今大学生生存状况艰难与大学生十年寒窗之间令人无奈的矛盾。第三句话为承上启下句,fail to do sth.表示没能、不能做某事。文章第二部分阐释了作者的个人看法。认为此社会现象的一个原因是大城市的高消费与大学生刚刚毕业收入相对较低之间产生的矛盾。第二个原因来自大学生对自身期许过高与大城市人才济济之间的矛盾。使用单词ambitious,表示雄心勃勃。在形容人才济济时,使用abundant,表示充足的。此外,文章还指出第一个原因是直接原因,第二个原因是间接导致了大学生生存困境。
最后一段给出了解决方法,better oneself指使某人自身更加优秀,better此处作动词讲

First aid for drowning

The wet clothes should be removed immediately and the person should be kept warm by covering with a blanket. The patient's face should be turned down to one side and his arms stretched above his head. The water should be drained out of the lungs by raising the middle part of the body. Mouth to mouth artificial respiration should be given if the breathing is slow or absent. Once he starts breathing, he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital.




First Aid for Drowning
If your child is the victim of a near-drowning (心脏未停搏则称溺水,否则为溺死), this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.
Your first priority is to get a drowning child out of the water as quickly as possible. If she isn't breathing, place her on her back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing(人工呼吸), below, and have someone call for help. Don't assume it's too late to save a child's life -- even if she's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏) and do not stop until medical professionals take over

关于溺水急救措施的英语作文。高三水平,120左右。速求,感谢。邮箱:[email protected]视频

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