初三英语作文 怎样远离危险 85词左右

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英语作文 初三 75字到85字 不写的话告诉我概括 大概内容 单词不要用得太难~

Chinese Knots
Traditional Chinese decorative knots, also known as Chinese knots, are typical local arts of China. They are a distinctive and traditional Chinese folk handicraft woven separately from one piece of thread and named according to its shape and meaning. In Chinese, "knot" means reunion, friendliness, peace, warmth, marriage, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes, including happiness, prosperity, love and the absence of evil.


This year, I went to Beijing for vacation in July. Beijing is our capital. And it is very beautiful. There are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.
First day we went to the Great Wall, it was very long. Next day, we took the bus to the Palace Museum. The third day, we went to the Summer Palace, how beautiful was it. Last day, we went to the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. There were many old things.
Afternoon, we leaved Beijing. But we will come again in 2011.

青少年要树立安全意识,谨防溺水和发生交通事故。学习急救知识,如伤口止血,心肺复苏等,能帮助他人和自己脱离危险。不受诱惑, 洁身自好, 杜绝毒品的侵害。用家用热水器,要关掉开关后再洗澡,防止意外事件发生。不沉迷于电脑游戏,把握好自己的健康,防止疾病的发生。
Middle school students how to stay away from danger? To establish a safety awareness, beware of drowning and traffic accidents. Learning first aid knowledge, such as wound bleeding, cardiopulmonary resusci- tation, can help others and themselves out of danger. Not tempted, clean themselves, put an end to the drug abuse. Use domestic water heater, turn off the switch and then take a bath to prevent accidents. Do not indulge in computer games, grasp their own health, to prevent the occurrence of the disease.

初三英语作文 怎样远离危险 85词左右视频




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