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中文翻译成英文 小故事~

It's getting dark, Three hours pass without anyone realising it. They are to meet at 3:00. Not far away, a girl , only a girl is seated on a stone bench waiting quitely. She doesn't leave untill the street light is on.

A and B get to know each other on the Internet.

"Why aren't you here for the date?" C asks B.
"what a boring game! You believe it ,don't you?" B shrugs his shoulder, " Acquainted with her only on the Internet. Don't be so serious and earnest."
"Why don't you tell her straight you won't go ? And instesd you lie to her,why?"
"Who is so naive as to believe it?" B says.
"Well, that's it. But hopefully you won't do that again."

B and C are on their way to the school canteen. There comes a pretty girl.
"Don't you see that's our department flower? " says B.
C, shaking his head, says," Such a beauty is just to be looked at,and you are fated not to get her."

D gets back to the dorm and sees A siitting on the bed in silence. D goes over to her and gets seated next to her, asking: "What'up ? what's happened?"
"The guy stands me up. Why does he break his promise? I wait for three hours!"

The story happened in the near future, a post-industrial era, the desolate ruins a above full of devils inside the prison, represent every prisoner had committed a monstrous crime. The prison committed people have a very horrible "entertainment project", which is held once every year the sporting events - terrorist cruel death coasters, you can use all sorts of flamethrowers, guns, grenades armed their own cars, also must to your other criminals escaped the shooting, until crossed the finish line. The warden, through the network video to let the world see the whole game, in the process of blood and violence to makes a heftier profit. Because the prisoner can be used in various high-end weapons armed own cars, so in such a competitive stage, although a spectacular and fascinating, but lives also falling instantaneously.

My Home/house
This is my home/house.My home/house is in a big courtyard and very beautiful.There are storied building in font of and behind my home/house.My home/house is on the first floor with a living room,a dining room,two bedrooms,a reading room/sanctum,a kitchen and a washroom.I watch TV in the living room,and go online in the reading room/sanctum.Although it's very small,I love my home/house very much.

This is my house. It is in a big yard which is very beautiful. My house is surrounded by buiding. My house is the first floor.there are a living room, a dinning room, two bedrooms, a reading room, a kitchen and a toilet. I watch TV in the living room, and play computer in the reading room. Although my house is small, I love it very much.

My house
This is my house,my house is in a big courtyard,it,s very beautiful.Sorround my house
there were many house too.my house is in the first floor,it have a living room,a dining-room,
two bedroom,a sanctum,a kitchen,and a bathroom.
I watch TV in the living room,play computer in
the sanctum.Although my home is small,but I also
like it very much

My house
This is my house,my house is in a big courtyard,it,s very beautiful.Sorround my house
there were many house too.my house is in the first floor,it have a living room,a dining-room,
two bedroom,a sanctum,a kitchen,and a bathroom.
I watch TV in the living room,play computer in
the sanctum.Although my home is small,but I also
like it very much

This is my home, which has other buildings around it. It is a beautiful house with a big yard. My house is on the first floor, there is a living room , a dining room ,a study , a kitchen , two bedrooms and a bathroom in it. I like watching TV in the living room and use my computer in the study .
Although my home is not big enough , but I love it very much.


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